Walla Walla University Student Handbook and Code of Conduct


Policies in this handbook are subject to change. Any changes will be emailed to your WWU email address.


Student Handbook

The offices of Student Life recognize that students at Walla Walla University (WWU) are our highest priority; therefore, we welcome your unique strengths, talents, contributions, and ideas. We are eager for each WWU student to experience the mighty power of God to shape their lives. At Student Life we desire to enhance your WWU experience by working closely with faculty and staff to support your academic maturation and growth as a person. Our offices play an important role in bridging all aspects of the academic, social, intellectual, and spiritual experiences of students at WWU. We want to help you discover a sense of belonging within the university community.

We strive to foster an educational community for students that will reflect the highest level of commitment to student success within an environment that encourages and provides opportunities for leadership development, personal, social, and spiritual growth, and respect for intellectual and cultural competence.

The functional areas that comprise Student Life support all aspects of students’ experiences and include Residential Life and Housing; Behavioral Intervention Team; Student Conduct; Campus Ministries; Campus Security; CommUnity; Campus Clubs; Counseling, Testing and Wellness; Dining Services; and Associated Students of Walla Walla University (ASWWU).

If I can be of any assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to stop by my office in Kellogg Hall, call me at (509) 527-2511, or email me at darren.wilkins@nbzhiai.com.

The offices of Student Life are here to serve you.


Darren Wilkins,

Vice president for Student Life


We're here to help.

Darren Wilkins

Vice president for Student Life
(509) 527-2511

Brooklynn Armesto-Larson

Assistant vice president for Student Life
Dean of students
(509) 527-2542

Sharryl Toews

Executive assistant
(509) 527-2402


We are a community of faith and discovery committed to

  • Excellence in thought
  • Generosity in service
  • Beauty in expression
  • Faith in God


Walla Walla University is founded on Christian teachings and values as understood and appreciated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Central to these teachings is the belief that every person is created in the image of God as a being of inestimable value and worth, imbued with powers of intelligence, stewardship, and creativity akin to those of the Creator. Walla Walla University, therefore, seeks in its mission to foster the unique gifts of every individual within this Christian community of faith and discovery. Committed to excellence in thought, the university seeks to impart a broad knowledge of the arts, sciences, and professions by careful instruction and open inquiry at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Recognizing that God is the source of all truth, goodness, and beauty, the university seeks to convey to students a wisdom that translates academic achievement into responsible citizenship, generous service, a deep respect for the beauty in God’s creation, and the promise of re-creation through Jesus Christ.

Walla Walla University, in service of its mission and core themes, is pursuing a decade of Sabbath Jubilee—celebrating and sharpening the best of who we are and what God has called us to be: a university offering unparalleled higher education in the context of wholistic, Christian community.


Mission statement

Walla Walla University’s Student Life department exists to provide a growing Christian community and create a culture that emphasizes student leadership opportunities, fosters character development, enhances academic success, develops cultural humility, and prepares students for Christ-inspired leadership roles in a local and global society.

Vision statement

The vision of Student Life is to:

  • Complement the academic purpose of the university by offering students supportive resources designed to inspire excellent thought.
  • Provide students with ample opportunities to develop a character of integrity and to shape a life of generous service.
  • Foster a community committed to balanced, healthy living designed to inspire a beautiful way of life.
  • Encourage students through various activities, programs, and partnerships to nurture a strong working relationship with God.

Philosophy statement

In the Student Life department, we believe that through our collaboration across campus, students will be provided quality co-curricular programs and services that promote wholistic student success. Our staff is dedicated to creating a positive spiritual, social, and academic atmosphere through a support system that assists students in their personal and professional development. We believe in providing students with a variety of excellent leadership opportunities, as well as offering quality mentorship to develop leadership skills. We are committed to preparing students for success in both their vocation and in a joy-filled life of local and global service. Finally, we believe in leading, by example, our students to a faith-filled life of discipleship and learning in the footsteps of Jesus Christ within the faith tradition of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.


The Walla Walla University Student Handbook provides WWU students with an overview of social, physical, and spiritual life at WWU. Students are encouraged to use the handbook to become familiar with their rights and responsibilities as members of the WWU community.

By registering for classes, you signify your understanding that WWU is a Seventh-day Adventist institution that upholds SDA standards and that you intend to support WWU philosophies and the community itself, and pledge acceptance of and full cooperation with university policies as stated in this handbook, in the WWU bulletin, and as officially announced. Student behavior, both on campus and off campus, is expected to comply with and reflect the values and vision of Walla Walla University.

WWU is a community of faith and discovery committed to:

  • Excellence in thought
  • Generosity in service
  • Beauty in expression
  • Faith in God

As members of Walla Walla University, we are committed to learning and practicing in ways that support a Christ-like, caring, and socially just community. This can include any individual asking others to stop disrespectful or abusive speech and/or disruptive behavior. Therefore, we will not tolerate disrespectful or abusive speech and/or disruptive behavior from individuals or groups.

Civility is the art of treating others, as well as ourselves, with respect, dignity, and care. Civility is apparent when we are sensitive to the impact that our communications, practices, and behaviors have on others, and when we acknowledge each person’s self-worth and unique contributions to the community as a whole.

Collectively, faculty, staff, and students of Walla Walla University are responsible for ensuring a safe and supportive learning and work environment by upholding WWU standards and policies.

Visitors to the university are asked to cooperate with university policies while on campus. Walla Walla University welcomes visitors whose conduct while on campus is in accordance with these policies.


To maintain a proper atmosphere for Christian growth and maturity and to ensure that the rights of all students are respected, the university expects students to act as responsible citizens, abiding by local, state, and federal laws, and to conduct themselves honorably. Although students of all religious persuasions are welcome, the university does expect students to live as members of a Christian community as detailed in the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct.


Walla Walla University offers both formal and informal co-curricular learning opportunities for our students. These opportunities include involvement with clubs and organizations, workshops, community outreach, living-learning communities, intramural and recreation programs, campus ministries programs, interactions with faculty, staff and other students, service learning, student leadership, cultural events, student missions, and Adventist Study Abroad. Through involvement in these co-curricular programs, students develop an understanding of the core values of WWU and demonstrate the ability to integrate and apply these core values across the curriculum and co-curriculum.

Excellence in thought
As a result of their Walla Walla University experience, students will:

  • Acquire learning skills to assist in their academic success through co-curricular and curricular programs.
  • Develop and apply creative, critical, effective, ethical, and reflective thinking and reasoning skills.
  • Determine their career interests and successfully manage those interests.
  • Develop the ability to manage and resolve interpersonal conflict.
  • Exhibit responsible decision-making and personal accountability skills.
  • Develop a sense of personal integrity and clarify personal values.
  • Develop effective oral and written communication skills.
  • Identify their own leadership style and develop a range of leadership skills and abilities that facilitates working with diverse people groups.
  • Develop the ability to engage various perspectives and backgrounds.
  • Learn diversity and be exposed to various cultural and social groups to become better citizens in their communities.

Generosity in service
As a result of their Walla Walla University experience, students will:

  • Cultivate a propensity for service learning.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of effective teamwork.
  • Understand leadership theory and styles.
  • Identify their own leadership style when working with others.
  • Develop a range of leadership skills and abilities to effectively lead change, resolve conflict, and motivate others.
  • Develop a sense of civic responsibility and a commitment to public life that ensures good quality of life for all.
  • Gain a heightened awareness of the effects of culture, tradition, roots, and religious influences.

Beauty in expression
As a result of their Walla Walla University experience, students will:

  • Develop knowledge and skills to maintain personal health and fitness.
  • Improve self-understanding and awareness by developing an integrated personal identity.
  • Develop multicultural awareness and knowledge.
  • Appreciate creative expression and aesthetics.
  • Develop sensitivity to and appreciation of individual differences.
  • Exhibit the ability to work collaboratively with others who may express themselves differently.
  • Demonstrate compassion, empathy, and a non-judgmental approach toward others regardless of their backgrounds and viewpoints.

Faith in God
As a result of their Walla Walla University experience, students will:

  • Develop a knowledge of God’s character.
  • Understand how to navigate a personal relationship with God.
  • Be prepared to share their faith journey with others on campus and in their communities.
  • Develop a spiritual portfolio or capstone through curricular and co-curricular programs that leads to a strong walk with God.
  • Value all people as we are created in the image of God and strive to be inclusive of all.


Associated Students of Walla Walla University (ASWWU)

Location: Kellogg Hall, lower level


All undergraduate students taking six credit hours or more are members of the Associated Students of Walla Walla University (ASWWU). Dues are assessed each quarter to fund a variety of student-planned activities and services. Some events or publications may require additional fees. Services and activities sponsored by ASWWU include:

  • The Atlas: Located at 6 N. College Ave., The Atlas is owned and operated by ASWWU. The Atlas prepares and sells both hot and cold drinks. The Atlas also hosts campus events such as Open Mic Nights and campus club meetings and events.
  • ASWWU Outdoors: ASWWU believes that being outside is one of the best ways to relieve stress, make friends, and grow closer to God. ASWWU Outdoors provides students with a variety of outdoor recreational trips, educational courses, and rental gear for outdoor adventures. Trips are planned to cater to both first-timers and seasoned veterans, but every trip is focused on safety and fun. Rental gear is available through ASWWU Outdoors' gear rental shop, the Tread Shed, for cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, canoeing, camping, and other activities. The Tread Shed also provides maintenance and repair services to students for their personal bicycles, snowboards and skis.
  • ASWWU Senate: ASWWU Senate is tasked with listening to the concerns of student, staff, and faculty constituents, acting as liaisons between their constituents and ASWWU and WWU administration, and distributing funds for various campus improvement projects. Senators are elected each October at the beginning of the school year.
  • Mountain Rents: Mountain Rents provides rental service for cross-country skiing, snowshoe-ing, canoeing, camping, and other activities. It is located in the Tread Shed behind the Atlas.
  • Publications: ASWWU has multiple student-run publications including The Collegian, a weekly newspaper; The Mask, an online pictorial directory of students, faculty, and staff; Mountain Ash, the yearbook; and Smug Mug, an online portal that allows students to download free, hi-res pictures from ASWWU and campus events. The video production team also prepares ASWWU videos that are posted online at vimeo.com/aswwu.
  • Social activities: ASWWU social department organizes ASWWU’s booth at the Welcome Back Bash, the Barn Party, Finals Review Week activities, and additional activities each month that vary in nature to appeal to the diverse student body.
  • Spiritual activities: ASWWU spiritual department plans and prepares an ASWWU-led weekend of worship each quarter, Student Week of Worship winter quarter, a religious concert, inspirational speakers, and more.
  • Student government: ASWWU members elect ASWWU executive officers and student senators annually. These positions create opportunities to positively impact student life at WWU and to develop and practice valuable leadership, administrative, and interpersonal skills.

ASWWU executive officers and senators are elected annually. ASWWU employees are hired throughout the year, but most employees are hired in Spring Quarter for the following year. Each officer, senator, and ASWWU employee must maintain a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.5 and be free from major student conduct disciplinary actions. Job openings, descriptions, the ASWWU employment manual, and eligibility requirements for elected and hired positions are available online at ASWWU.com.


Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is a group of WWU officials that regularly meets to identify, assess, and respond to students who may be experiencing significant behavioral or mental health challenges. The BIT aims to coordinate support and resources to help students succeed both in and out of the classroom. 

In order to promote the safety and health of all WWU students, the BIT serves as the centralized, coordinated body for discussion and action regarding student exhibiting suicidal, self-injurious and other behaviors which might pose a threat to student and/or others in the University community. The goal of the BIT is to aid in developing support plans to encourage student health, well-being and academic success by an active process of threat assessment and behavioral intervention.


Campus Security

Location: 309 S. College Ave.

Hours: Available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Phone: (509) 527-2222


The primary function of the Campus Security department is to protect the students, employees, and guests of WWU and their property. While the Campus Security office is open only during business hours, security officers are on duty 24 hours each day and can be reached by calling the department phone number. The WWU Campus Security department is not an official law enforcement agency, nor do personnel within the department have arrest authority. Rather, the department is designed to help keep the likelihood of criminal activity to a minimum and to keep the campus community aware of any safety/security issues via its website, the school paper, leaflets, and electronic communication in a timely manner.

Campus Security offers a number of services to the university community designed to enhance campus safety and security. Security Escort is a service that provides students with a safety escort anywhere within a two-block radius of campus from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Requests for a safety escort can be made by calling Campus Security. For a complete listing of available services, visit nbzhiai.com/security.

All vehicles must be registered annually with Campus Security. To register online, visit nbzhiai.com/vehicle-registration. For more information about vehicle policies and procedures, please refer to nbzhiai.com/vehicle-policy.

Chaplain’s Office

Location: 301 S. College Ave.

Hours: Monday–Thursday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m., and Friday, 9 a.m.–12 p.m.

Phone: (509) 527-2010 


The Chaplain’s Office, in collaboration with the University Church and with the support of other faculty, staff, and departments, oversees the breadth of spiritual programming on campus in order to provide a vibrant spiritual environment as part of a strong Christian university that holds its identity with the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Chaplain’s Office specifically serves to magnify the love of Jesus Christ in our hearts, on our campus, and to the world. As such, every student has the opportunity to participate in private worship, local community service, Bible study, small groups, prayer initiatives, and even global service opportunities through the Student Missions program.

· Campus Ministries: Coordinated by the lead campus chaplain, Campus Ministries involves several organizations with student leadership and participation. To learn more about each of these, visit the website and connect on Facebook via nbzhiai.com/cm.

· Prayer ministry: An active prayer ministry on campus includes prayer requests, prayer warriors, and prayer vigils. There is a prayer house on campus called the Living Room that is available daily from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. for students to meet with small groups or just get away from the busyness of college life to spend quiet time with God.

· Sabbath rest: Each week we are provided with the opportunity to take a day set apart from the rest of the week to simply “be” with God and others. Friday night vespers, afterglow prayer and song services, Sabbath morning worship and Sabbath School discussion, potlucks, and more provide plenty of opportunities to disconnect from the craziness of life and connect with God.

· Small groups: A variety of small groups meet regularly and are open to all students to provide both fellowship and spiritual enrichment. To see what groups are meeting currently, as well as to preview small group resources, visit the Chaplain’s Office website.

· Student churches: Each year, different student groups organize and oversee a variety of worship opportunities on a Sabbath morning. These opportunities are diverse in worship style and student involvement. They often present relevant messages and/or teaching with music, prayer, and other creative activities to draw each person nearer to Christ and provide a challenge to continue to pursue a relationship with Him. Most of the student churches are active in community outreach. To learn more about what services are currently available, please contact the Chaplain’s Office.

· Vespers: Every Friday evening the campus meets in the University Church sanctuary for a vespers program planned by Campus Ministries. The purpose of the vespers program is to welcome the “Ahhh” of Sabbath rest (see above) by turning attention away from busy lives and onto the author and perfecter of faith (Hebrews 12:1-2). Offering relevant messages, engaging worship, and time to reflect, vespers provides a great place to take that first deep breath of the week and begin to rest in the arms of the Savior.

· Student Missions: An active Student Missions organization helps fulfill the global mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church by assisting students to volunteer in various North American and international locations. The Student Missions staff supports the short-term and long-term mission trips that WWU sponsors each year. Many students from WWU choose to volunteer as student missionaries during their academic career and gain leadership skills as well as spiritual enrichment. They serve in all sorts of opportunities from elementary teachers to orphanage caregivers to building projects to pastor assistants and so much more. Student Missions offers retreats for outgoing and returned student missionaries and activities for prospective volunteers.

o The Missions Club involves returning and prospective student missionaries and their friends in activities for fellowship, worship, and service. They particularly emphasize events that support current student missionaries.

o For additional information, contact the Student Missions office at (509) 527-2010 or visit the Student Missions web page at nbzhiai.com/sm.

Class Organizations

In preparation for graduation, the WWU president meets with the junior and senior classes to assist with class organization. Class officers organize a variety of graduation-related events and other activities. The class president and treasurers maintain contact with the accounting office (regarding expenses), and the president’s office (regarding graduation weekend activities), as well as with their class sponsors.



Students, faculty, and staff have the opportunity to become involved in a number of co-curricular activities at WWU. Through membership in campus clubs, students establish friendships with others who share common goals and interests whether spiritual, social, recreational, cultural, political, or educational. Students are encouraged to become involved in campus life by joining a club or by forming a new club. Students are allowed to charge up to two clubs to their account at any given time. Students may join more than 2 clubs but will need to pay for the additional clubs at the accounting office. All clubs must be registered with the office of Student Life by receiving approval from the Student Life club coordinator. For a club handbook, club registration forms, or further information, visit the WWU clubs website.



The CommUnity program facilitates regular opportunities for the entire campus to gather as a community of faith and discovery to honor our commitment to excellence in thought, generosity in service, beauty in expression, and faith in God. Find further information regarding student expectations and policies for these programs.

Computer services

Location: Rigby Hall 014

Hours & website of computer services

Phone: 509-527-2317

There are several general-purpose computer labs available for student use, including those located in Rigby Hall, Kretschmar Hall, Bowers Hall, and the Library. Availability and hours are posted online at pclabs.nbzhiai.com. Students can also download and install some lab software on their personal computers using an app available on the same site.

Printing is available and students can print up to 100 pages at no cost each quarter, fees will apply for each page thereafter. Web printing is also available from personal computers by clicking here.

A campus wide network connects campus computers to the internet. Wireless connections are available in all campus buildings, residence halls and even most common outdoor spaces. Both wireless and wired connections are available in most living quarters.

Policies for Responsible Computing, available on the WWU website, provide information concerning the proper and appropriate use of our computer facilities and technology resources. Students are required to adhere to these policies when using such facilities.

The Health and Wellness Center 

Location: 295 S. College Ave.

Office hours: Monday–Thursday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m., and Friday, 9 a.m.–12 p.m.

Phone: (509) 527-2147

nbzhiai.com/counseling, nbzhiai.com/testing

The Health & Wellness Center is invested in you maximizing your opportunities to succeed and thrive while you are attending university. The Health & Wellness Center offers a variety of services to students, including counseling and testing services and the College Place Health Clinic.

Counseling Services

The Health & Wellness Center offers mental health counseling and referrals when needed. As a student, you have access to highly qualified and caring therapists who work with you to help establish goals and achieve those goals. We offer a maximum of 10 sessions per year to students who engage our center. Counseling is free for our students. Everything that students share with a counselor is held in confidence unless they are clearly a danger to themselves or others, involved in child or elder abuse, or by court order. No information is released to university staff, to parents, or to outside agencies without the student’s written consent.

The three most common reasons people seek counseling are for:

1. Crisis resolution (the loss of a relationship or a loved one, stress overload, family problems).

2. Relief from problems such as anxiety, depression, harmful relationships, eating disorders, drug abuse, the pressures of school, or self-harming behaviors.

3. A desire to increase self-confidence, enrich personal relationships, or enhance self-understanding.

To make an appointment, fill out the counseling application through the student portal on the counseling page of the university website and someone will get in touch with you through your university email to schedule an initial session. Students may “walk-in” to the Health & Wellness Center without a prior appointment between 12 and 1 on Monday through Thursday and receive a 20-minute consult to help direct them to the appropriate resources for support. If necessary, Health & Wellness Center staff will refer students to mental health or medical providers in the Walla Walla valley. You may also choose to sign up for 24/7 confidential support with talkcampus. Use your WWU email to download the app to your phone. 

If you or someone you know is suicidal and needs help immediately, do not call the Counseling and Testing Center. Call 911 or the Walla Walla Crisis Response Unit at (509) 524-2999, or go to the Providence St. Mary Medical Center emergency room.

Email counseling@nbzhiai.com for more information.

Testing Services

The Health & Wellness Center also oversees the majority of the standardized testing on campus. The tests administered include entrance examinations as well as senior comprehensives for many departments and required exit examinations. Preprofessional examinations are given on national test dates (for non-Saturday centers) and include such tests as the GRE subject test. The testing coordinator strives to answer all questions regarding standardized testing and requirements for graduation as well as graduate programs.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations and correspondence tests also are proctored at the Counseling and Testing Center.

Email testing@nbzhiai.com for more information.

Haven Group 

The Haven Group is a place of welcoming engagement and emotional support for the well-being and success of LGBTQ+ students. This group offers confidential conversations and requires an interview with one of the facilitators in order to attend. Please email haven@nbzhiai.com for more information. The Haven Group runs throughout the academic year on a weekly basis.

Emergency Information 

In the event of an emergency, Walla Walla University will spread information by any of the following means, as appropriate: Text message, campus email, an emergency banner on nbzhiai.com, and/or telephone calls to campus extensions.

Reporting an emergency. Call 911 to immediately report a life-threatening emergency. To report any other crisis, please notify Campus Security at (509) 527-2222.

  • Be prepared to give the dispatcher:
    • Your location.
    • The nature of the emergency.
    • The phone number from which you are calling.
    • Your name.
    • Other information as directed.
    • Do not hang up unless there is an immediate threat to your safety. Report any accident or injury to WWU.
  • Reporting an accident or injury to WWU. Report any work-related injury to your supervisor, instructor, or residence hall dean. An injured employee and the supervisor must complete a Work-Related Accident/Incident Report available from Human Resources by calling (509) 527-2820 or online at nbzhiai.com/health.

o The supervisor, instructor, or head of the department involved should inspect the site and complete the Accident/Incident Investigation Report.

  • An injured student or university guest should complete a Non-Work-Related Accident/Incident Report available from the College Place Health Clinic by calling (509) 382-8349. After hours, Incident Reports are available from Campus Security by calling (509) 527-2222 or online at nbzhiai.com/health.

Emergency Numbers

Emergency: 911
Fire: 911
Police: 911
Ambulance: 911
Campus Security: (509) 527-2222
Mental Health Crisis Line: (509) 524-2999
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988

Non-Emergency Numbers

Facility Services: (509) 527-2925
Fire: (509) 529-6506
Poison Control Center: (800) 222-1222
Police: (509) 525-7773
Risk and Safety Management: (509) 527-2250

The Express, aka “DX”

Location: 406 S. College Ave.

Phone: (509) 527-2522


The Express Vegetarian Grill and Deli is Walla Walla University’s convenience store, vegetarian grill, and gas station with a long-running history that dates all the way back to the college's dairy farm. At The Express our mission is to provide convenience and quality service to our customers and the community around us.

Students may use their WWU ID cards at the gas pumps and inside the store. Students are allowed to charge a maximum of $80 per month (no minimum charge). Students must have completed Enrollment Finalization (which means they have seen Jumping Einstein) in order to use their ID card. Students who are behind on their student account payments may lose their charge privileges until their account is up-to-date.

Food Services

Location: Kellogg Hall

Phone: (509) 527-2732


Cafeteria hours

Student Association Center (SAC) hours

Sodexo, campus dining services, prepares vegetarian and vegan cuisine. All students residing in university residence halls are required to select a meal plan and have their meals in the main dining hall or the snack bar in the Student Association Center (SAC). Meal plan options can be reviewed by clicking here. Students living in the community may also choose a meal plan or buy meals by way of credit card, or student ID card. To use a meal plan, students must present their validated WWU ID card at any campus dining location and the amount of their purchase will be charged to their WWU account. Please note that the ID must belong to the student. Also, note you are able to pay for a guest to eat with you. If on the meal plan, flex dollars or the Wolves Pass (four per quarter) are used to pay for the guest. No dishes or utensils are to be removed from the dining hall. No food is to be taken out unless you opt for the takeout option. This option allows for one takeout tray and one to-go cup. You must be able to close the lids. If opting to do takeout, you cannot eat in the dining hall. If you need further assistance, simply call (509) 527-2732 or email sodexo@nbzhiai.com.

Our campus dining services can accommodate your special dietary requirements. For more information, please call (509) 527-2731 or email sodexo@nbzhiai.com.

Intramural Sports and Recreation

Location: Winter Educational Complex (WEC)

Recreational Facilities Webpage

WEC hours

uwolves.com, IMLeagues.com

Walla Walla University encourages students to participate in athletic activities that provide opportunities for exercise and friendship development through team and individual activities. Intramural sports options include flag football, basketball, volleyball, soccer, tennis, table tennis, softball, and more! Intramural signups for men and women take place at the beginning of each quarter. Go to IMLeagues.com for all WWU intramural information.

Health and Physical Education (HPE) facilities include tennis and racquetball courts, ping-pong tables, a weight room, Stairmaster machines, a climbing wall, a swimming pool, and a standard gymnasium. The issue room (aka The Cage) will loan athletic equipment for use in the gym. To check out equipment, you must present a current, valid WWU ID card. All students using HPE facilities must obey posted regulations as well as the directions of instructors and other HPE and athletic department personnel.

Library and information resources

College Place campus
Location: Peterson Memorial Library (PML)

Hours: Check the library’s website here
Phone: (509) 527-2134
Email: reference@nbzhiai.com

Portland campus
Location: Portland School of Nursing (SON)
Library hours: Check the library’s website here
Phone: (503) 251-6115 x 17306 or press 4

Library and Information Resources

Faculty librarians, library staff, and student assistants seek to inspire excellence in thought by bringing students and information together in innovative ways at the WWU Libraries. Librarians and other professional staff are available both onsite and online to facilitate student success through assistance in finding articles and other resources for papers, speeches, and other assignments. For online assistance, use the Ask Us tab on the libraries' main page, choose a Research Guide, email a reference librarian, or schedule a more in-depth research consultation with a librarian. The Introduction to Peterson Memorial Library guide provides additional information. Authenticated access to electronic resources is available to current students through their university login.

Peterson Memorial Library (PML), on the College Place campus, is the university’s main library while the School of Nursing (SON) library in Portland serves the needs of junior and senior nursing students.  All students must present a valid WWU ID card to check out library resources and are asked to respect library property and polices. Borrowing information and loan periods for all campuses may be found on the library’s main page under Search F.A.Qs. A discussion of fees associated with the Walla Walla University Libraries may be found in the university’s Financial Bulletin. Questions about your library account? Call the Library Information Desk at 527-2134. For current library hours at both libraries, check here: http://wallawalla.libcal.com/hours.

Collections: Research Central can be found on the libraries’ main page. It is our online discovery system and connects students to the WWU Libraries Collections, as well as to the collections from other Orbis Cascade Alliance member libraries through Summit Borrowing.  Library collections include books and eBooks, periodicals, multimedia and streaming video, full-text article databases, and other resources. Authenticated access to these electronic resources is available to current students by logging in with their university login. Materials are selected to support the University's curriculum.

Resources: Wireless service is available throughout both libraries. On Peterson Memorial Library’s (PML) main level, a general-purpose PC lab provides access to twelve desktop computers, a color scanner/printer, and a standing counter for laptop use or general study. The Portland SON library provides a PC lab plus a computer classroom. Other resources at PML include a circulating collection of audiovisual equipment. Additionally, various study aids such as dry erase markers and headphones are available. The equipment and study aids can be checked out from the Library Information Desk

Study Spaces: PML is committed to providing an environment that is conducive to study and research. We try to find a balance among the diverse needs of our users, such as: individual study space preferences, space for research consultations with librarians, library business transactions at the Library Information Desk, and group study and collaboration. Study spaces in PML include various group study rooms that may be reserved rom the libraries’ homepage. The Collaboration Conference Room, a technology friendly space, includes a video camera and a table with audio visual connectivity, allowing students to connect their own devices to large wall-mounted screens (adapters are available for checkout). The Eagle Cap Conference Room is the largest of the group study rooms and contains soft seating options. The Mount Denali Conference Room, a large glass room split into an East and West side, contains two large tables and whiteboard walls. Those looking for quiet study areas may use the Reference Room, North Cascades Study Area, or various study nooks and carrels located throughout the library stacks.

Summit Borrowing: Summit Borrowing services are made possible through membership in the Orbis Cascade Alliance. Summit Borrowing offers direct access to over 28 million items, including books, eBooks, sound recordings, and films held by academic libraries in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Requests for Summit items may be made directly online through Research Central. Materials may be picked-up at the Peterson Memorial Library or at the Portland School of Nursing Library. Delivery time is typically three to five business days.

Interlibrary Loan The majority of requests for journal articles not held by the WWU Libraries or Summit go through our EBSCO databases. For those items not otherwise available, yet needed for either course work or research, the university libraries offer an interlibrary loan service for resources available within the United States. Requested materials generally arrive within two weeks.

Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Location: Administration Building, room 317

Phone: (509) 527-2028


The Office of Diversity and Inclusion provides information, assistance, consultation, and advocacy for all matters relating to diversity at Walla Walla University. This includes, but is not limited to, diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, age and disability. For more information, contact Pedrito Maynard-Reid, senior associate vice president for diversity and inclusion, at the phone number listed above.

Residential Life and Housing

Residence Halls -- College Place 

Foreman and Conard Halls 

 Sittner Hall

Residence Hall -- Portland 

Hansen Hall 

Off-campus Housing -- College Place 

Village Housing 

Walla Walla University is a residential campus committed to providing an environment where students live and dine together to encourage community and foster positive outcomes associated with student learning. For more information, visit nbzhiai.com/housing.

Students living in the Residence Halls are required to abide by the Residence Hall Code of Conduct, which can be found on the WWU Residence Hall webpage. Students living off-campus, whether in WWU housing or in another location, are required to abide by the Village Housing Handbook, which can be found on the WWU Village Housing Handbook webpage. All students, regardless of where they live, are required to abide by the Walla Walla University Student Code of Conduct.

Residence Hall Requirement

Students under age 22 who have successfully completed fewer than 136 credits are required to live in the residence halls. Students enrolled in fewer than 6 credits for in-person classes are not required to live in residence halls. Residence hall housing is limited to students aged 24 and under only and is not available to the family members of students. Housing for students older than age 24 may be available to Portland Campus students based on availability and approval.

Living Off Campus 

For information regarding off-campus eligibility, expectations for living off campus, residence hall waivers, and housing exemptions, please visit WWU’s housing policy website or contact the Residential Life and Housing Office.

College Place
Anthony Handal, director of Residential Life and Housing
(509) 527-2113

Annette Riebe, dean of residence and student life
(503) 251-6118, ext. 17353

Student Development Center

Location: Ground level of Village Hall

Phone: (509) 527-2313

Email: student_development@nbzhiai.com

Web: nbzhiai.com/sdc

The Student Development Center (SDC) houses Career Services, Disability Support Services, and Peer Tutoring. The SDC provides free services to current students and alumni, helping them to progress academically and personally to achieve their educational and professional goals.

Career Services

Deciding on and developing a career path are very important parts of one’s educational experience. The staff at the SDC are dedicated to providing students with a multitude of experiences and resources that will enable them to make informed career decisions. The staff also provides comprehensive career planning to students and alumni. These services include career advising, career assessments, internship coordination, graduate school personal statement support, job and internship listings, job shadow resources, LinkedIn evaluations, mock interviews, and résumé and cover letter assistance.

Career coaching and testing: Assessments and career counselors can help you consider what you have done so far and what you might like to do in the future. Based on your strengths and interests, SDC career counselors will work with you to create a list of short- and long-term career goals.

Career events: A variety of campus events are hosted and coordinated through the Student Development Center, such as career fairs and graduate school fairs, professional panels, workshops, and interview opportunities with professional and graduate schools, as well as with many top employers.

Internships: Internships and job shadowing integrate academic learning within a work environment. Students may receive academic credit for pre-arranged work experience. (See listing under specific departments/schools for credit and grading applicable to the major.) The Student Development Center monitors students’ progress, while the internship advisors evaluate learning objectives and assign grades.

For more information, contact Career Services at career@nbzhiai.com, (509) 527-2313, or visit nbzhiai.com/career.

Hours: Monday–Thursday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m., and Friday, 9 a.m.–12 p.m.

Disability Support Services

Walla Walla University, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, facilitates equal access to on-campus courses, programs, and activities, for students who have a documented disability. To receive accommodations, students with disabilities must self-disclose the disability to the Disability Support Services (DSS) director, provide documentation of need from an appropriate health care provider, and make an individual request for accommodations. Since accommodations are not retroactive, it is in the student’s best interest to submit documentation as early as possible. Documentation guidelines are available through the university website.

Academic accommodations or adjustments are modifications to how students participate in classes and activities.  These modifications allow students to meet standards, but do not change any standards.   Examples of accommodations are: exam accommodations, books and other print material in digital or alternate format, equipment and technology access, classroom relocation, note-takers, accessible housing, and other services.

For more information, contact Disability Support Services at DSS@nbzhiai.com, (509) 527-2366, or visit nbzhiai.com/DSS. Hours: Monday–Thursday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m., and Friday, 9 a.m.–12 p.m.

Peer Tutoring

The Student Development Center offers drop-in tutoring free of charge to all students enrolled at Walla Walla University. Private Tutoring may be arranged, in certain situations, for a small fee.  Tutoring is available for all lower-division and select upper-division courses in the areas of business, mathematics, computer science, engineering, languages, biology, chemistry, and physics.  Writing Tutors are also available to assist with written work required for any course, regardless of subject.

For more information, contact the Student Development Center at student.development@nbzhiai.com, (509)-527-2313, or visit nbzhiai.com/peer-tutoring. Hours: Monday–Thursday, 3 p.m.–9 p.m., and Sunday, 7 p.m.–9 p.m.

University Campus Store

Location: 295 S. College Ave.

Hours: Click here

Phone: (509) 527-2441

Email: wallawalla@slingshotedu.com


The Walla Walla Campus Store is the official source for all course materials and books as well as a wide selection of Walla Walla University clothing and gift items. Follow us on Instragram for all the latest deals: @wallawallacampusstore

WWU partners with Slingshot to provide students with their course materials through an auto-fulfillment program. Think of it as a subscription box for all of your learning materials! Students simply enroll in classes and all required course materials will be ready for you before the first day of class.

Starting in the Fall of 2024, all new/transfer students are opted in to Slingshot automatically when they start their program at WWU with a preference for rental books set as the default, as it is the typically the most affordable. Continuing students can opt in by making a course material preference selection from their Slingshot Account. Any student can opt in or opt out at any time, or return any unneeded books during the first week of the term for a full refund. Opted out students can still buy books individually from the Campus Store by placing an order online, or visit the store during regular hours. Questions? Reach out anytime at wallawalla@slingshotedu.com.

University Church

Location: 212 SW 4th St.

University Church hours

Phone: (509) 527-2800


Email: church@nbzhiai.com

The mission of the University Church is to connect students with Jesus Christ. Students are invited to worship at the church on Sabbath morning at 11:15 for the main church service. There are also a multitude of Sabbath schools, small groups, and student-led ministries that meet earlier in the morning to engage as many students as possible in the experience of worship and ministry leadership. The University Church pastoral staff is here to service students and to facilitate worship and a deep sense of community.

College Place Health Clinic

Location: 295 S. College Ave

Office hours: Monday–Thursday 10 a.m.–6 p.m.

Phone: (509) 382-8349

Email: cphc@cchd-wa.org

College Place Health Clinic (CPHC) offers outpatient medical and preventive care for students, faculty, and staff. CPHC is committed to providing the best health and medical care services available. A nurse practitioner is available to provide examinations and to assess and treat medical conditions during designated hours. Appointments are available upon request, and walk-ins will be accommodated as space allows. All services are provided in strict compliance with HIPAA confidentiality laws. Chart notes and lab results can be shared with primary care providers at the student’s request with a completed Release of Information form.

All medical visits and lab work provided by CPHC will be billed to your insurance. Some services, including chronic care, emergency services, and medical specialists, are referred to other provider services in the local community.

Walla Walla University requires all new students to successfully complete a Tuberculosis Screening form, and a physical examination is recommended for all new students. To expedite the registration process, the TB screening information should be completed online prior to arrival on campus. For students lacking this requirement, the CPHC can provide TB screening as appropriate.

Walla Walla University requires health insurance coverage for all students that, at minimum, covers emergency care received within 25 miles of the school. If a student does not have insurance that meets this requirement, several resources can assist in obtaining insurance for the academic year. Links to these marketplaces are available on the WWU Health Insurance page. For more information, contact CPHC.



By choosing to attend Walla Walla University, you are expected to:

  • Maintain a lifestyle in accordance with Seventh-day Adventist Christian principles.
  • Display an attitude in harmony with university's core values and beliefs that influences others beneficially and contributes to a learning environment that is safe, creative, and inclusive.
  • Obey local, state, and federal regulations as well as university policies.
  • Conform to stipulations of disciplinary action.
  • Examples of acceptable behavior include, but are not limited to:
    • Respecting, upholding, and following Walla Walla University policies.
    • Communicating clearly and courteously without use of profanity.
    • Engaging in lifestyle choices that promote wholeness healthy habits, and optimal physical, social emotional, intellectual, and spiritual well-being while refraining from activities or substances that are harmful, detrimental or deleterious (i.e. use, possession, and distribution of pornography, tobacco, alcohol, or nonmedical drugs, gambling)
    • Behaving morally and ethically.
    • Expressing and sharing ideas that support the religious ideals of the university.
    • Supporting and strengthening the academic learning environment and acting in accordance with the administration of the university.
    • Observe university policies as well as local, state, and federal regulations.

For clarification, please contact the vice president for Student Life.

Alcohol Policy

See the drug and alcohol policies in the Student Code of Conduct, Part VII.

Animal Policy

For reasons of public health, safety, and liability, animals shall not be brought onto the Walla Walla University campus, including buildings, except for:

  • Service animals, as outlined in the WWU Disability Support Services Animal Policy.
  • Emotional support animals, as outlined in the Disability Support Services Emotional Support Animal Policy, in coordination with Residential Life and Housing.
  • Approved animals involved in university-sponsored activities, classes, or research.
  • Animals in a closed, protected, and properly ventilated vehicle or otherwise causing no disturbances or safety and health risks.

Anti-Bullying Policy

Walla Walla University is committed to maintaining a safe and positive environment which values and respects individuals in a thriving, diverse and inclusive community reflective of Christ’s love towards one another.  

Bullying is mistreatment by words or actions that are intended to shame, embarrass, humiliate, degrade, demean, intimidate, and/or threaten an individual or group. Bullying can take a variety of forms that may include behaviors that are physical, verbal, nonverbal, direct or indirect, and may take place face-to-face, via written communications, or by electronic means.  

Bullying and harassment, whether in person or online, do not represent the values and culture a Seventh-Day Adventist University of Higher Education. As a member of Walla Walla University, we expect students to behave respectfully and civilly toward each other and help maintain a safe, respectful, and healthy community by how we treat one another.  

Examples of bullying in person or online include:

  • Shouting or yelling at, berating, ridiculing, or demeaning others.
  • Name-calling and attacks on one’s character, using a person as an object of ridicule, using nicknames after being warned by the target that the nickname is considered to be offensive, or spreading gossip and rumors about the person to others.
  • Mocking, ridiculing, punishing, or putting someone down in front of others, constant unwarranted criticism, or making offensive remarks regarding a person’s known intellectual or physical attributes.
  • Persistently interrupting a person or otherwise preventing a person’s legitimate attempts to speak.
  • Undermining or sabotaging the work performance of others.
  • Spreading false or sensitive information about another.
  • Deliberately excluding, isolating or marginalizing a person from normal academic/workplace activities.
  • Tampering with a person’s personal effects or work equipment; damage to or destruction of a person’s work product, work area, including electronic devices or personal property.
  • Punishments or negative consequences designed primarily to shame, exclude, and/or draw negative attention from others.
  • Violent behavior, such as pushing, shoving, kicking, poking, or tripping; assault or threat of physical assault; making threatening gestures toward a person or invading personal space after being asked by the target to move or step away. Bullying that is physically violent may violate criminal law and will be addressed.
  • Harsh text messages or emails.
  • Rumors sent by email or posted on social networking site.
  • Embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.
  • Repeated and unwelcome phone calls, text messages, social media messages, and/or emails.

Anti-Hazing Policy

Walla Walla University is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment in which students can learn and grow both in and out of the classroom. Students are encouraged to participate in group activities that create friendships, encourage students, and foster a healthy community. We expect WWU students, as individuals, leaders, and group members, endeavor to love one another as Christ has loved us. In keeping with this commitment, hazing is prohibited at Walla Walla University.  

Hazing includes any act committed as part of a person's recruitment, initiation, pledging, admission into, or affiliation with a student organization, athletic team, or living group, or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to such an organization, athletic team, or living group that causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger or physical harm, or serious psychological or emotional harm, to any student or other person attending a public or private institution of higher education or other postsecondary educational institution in this state, including causing, directing, coercing, or forcing a person to consume any food, liquid, alcohol, drug, or other substance which subjects the person to risk of such harm, regardless of the person's willingness to participate. "Hazing" does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions” (RCW 28B.10.900). For more information about hazing, please visit WWU’s Hazing Prevention website.

Examples of hazing include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Compelling individuals to consume alcohol or drugs.
  • Compelling individuals to engage in sexual behaviors, sexual or racial harassment or
  • Compelling individuals to eat or drink unusual substances or compelling the consumption of undue amounts or odd preparations of food.
  • Having harmful substances thrown at, poured on or otherwise applied to the bodies of individuals.
  • Morally degrading or humiliating games or activities which make an individual the object of amusement, ridicule, or intimidation.
  • Transporting individuals against their will, abandoning individuals at distant locations, or conducting any “kidnap,” “ditch” or “road trip” that may in any way endanger or compromise the health, safety, or comfort of any individual.
  • Requiring an individual to remain in a fixed position for a long period of time.
  • Compelling an individual to be branded or tattooed.
  • “Line-ups” involving intense shouting of obscenities or insults.
  • Compelling individuals to participate in activities (pranks, scavenger hunts, etc.) which encourage the defacement of property; engage in theft; harass other individuals, groups of individuals or organizations.
  • Compelling an individual to engage in acts of personal servitude.

All employees at Walla Walla University, including student employees, are required to report hazing if, as a result of observations or information received in the course of employment or volunteer service, any employee has reasonable cause to believe that hazing has occurred. Reasonable cause” means a person who witnesses hazing or receives a credible written or oral report alleging hazing or a potential or planned hazing activity.

Current students have a responsibility to report hazing if they have reason to believe it is occurring. Per Washington State law, a person who witnesses hazing or has reasonable cause to believe hazing has occurred or will occur and makes a report in good faith may not be sanctioned or punished for the violation of hazing unless the person is directly engaged in the planning, directing, or act of hazing reported. Hazing reports of any kind can be made on WWU’s Hazing Prevention Website.

App Policy

The WWU app is designed to provide information about Walla Walla University and facilitate connections among students, faculty, and staff on campus. The WWU app is overseen by Marketing and University Relations in cooperation with Student Life.

Content: The WWU app supports user communication that promotes connection. User-generated content must also adhere to standards of decency and accuracy and be pertinent to campus life. All user behavior in the WWU app must adhere to WWU policies, including the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct. App administrators may remove without warning posts found to be knowingly inaccurate, indecent, unrelated to university events and activities, or in violation of WWU policies. Users repeatedly posting content that does not adhere to these standards may be subject to review and removal by app administrators.

Users: The WWU app is publicly available to any individual with an iOS or Android mobile or tablet device. Individuals can use the WWU app as a guest with limited access to the app’s features. For access to all of the app’s features, including the campus wall and other social components in the app, individuals must create a user account in the app.

WWU app users are authenticated through WWU’s single sign-on system. Users cannot be created outside of WWU’s account holders. Thus any individual holding a Walla Walla University account has access to a user account. Because WWU app users are created through WWU accounts, user app accounts are tied to their WWU email. Usernames in the app are also populated from the preferred name attached to the WWU email/account through which they are accessing the app as a user. Users communicating under another identity may be subject to a temporary ban or removal.

If an app user is found in violation of WWU app policies, the user’s account may be temporarily banned or removed without warning. In the case of user removal, a WWU app administrator will contact the app user to provide notice of removal.

Boating Policy


Please note the following procedures that need to be followed for all WWU-sponsored boating activities, with the exception of the Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory, which has its own policies:

  • All occupants of motorboats, canoes, kayaks, rowboats, rafts, etc. shall wear a Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device at all times.
  • Prior to using a personal boat, the WWU Boat Lease Agreement is filled out, signed by the boat owner, and submitted to Risk and Safety Management for review and approval with a completed Contract Approval Process form and a copy of the boat owner’s proof of property damage and liability insurance coverage. Risk and Safety Management will retain a copy of the signed agreement and return the original agreement to the sponsoring department.
  • All occupants of boats will sign a “WWU Boating Outdoor Water Sports Waiver.” Please contact Risk and Safety Management for this waiver.
  • No boat shall be used over 50 feet in length, unless chartered with a complete crew.
  • All WWU whitewater rafting trips must include the services of a professional whitewater rafting guide

Charge Policy

Students may use their ID to charge purchases at The Express (up to $80 month), Sodexo, and the University Bookstore (required textbooks and school supplies with a quarterly limit). Students may charge club dues (two maximum), Wolves Booster Club membership dues, as well as a limited number of club events. Most campus activities and events must be paid for directly by the student and cannot be charged to the student’s account. 

CommUnity Policy

Students pursuing a baccalaureate degree and enrolled in six or more credits are required to complete CommUnity program credit requirements each quarter. Attendance by administration, faculty, staff, and graduate students is encouraged. While all WWU students are invited and encouraged to attend CommUnity programs, attendance is not required for:

  • Students fulfilling mandatory student teaching, internship, or practicum requirements.
  • Students serving as student missionaries or studying in the Adventist Colleges Abroad program.
  • Students holding a baccalaureate degree.
  • Students enrolled for less than six credit hours.
  • Students with dependent children in their immediate care.
  • Students 25 years or older.
  • Students who are married.

Undergraduate students are required to complete at least 8 CommUnity credits fall, winter, and spring quarter. Students are expected to monitor their CommUnity attendance on their iAttended App. Students are responsible for checking their iAttended app at the end of each CommUnity event to confirm that they have received CommUnity credit. If the credit does not appear in the app the student must immediately check with a CommUnity Usher to resolve the issue. CommUnity program credit will not be given after the check-out time has closed, which is 20 minutes after the event has ended. Please email community@nbzhiai.com with questions or concerns. One CommUnity credit is available per CommUnity program. See the CommUnity schedule for a list of programs available each quarter at nbzhiai.com/CommUnity.

Students who do not meet the CommUnity credit requirements are subject to the following:

  • Registration restrictions.
  • CommUnity probation status.
  • After two quarters (that do not need to be subsequent) of noncompliance with CommUnity attendance requirements, the student will be subject to dismissal from WWU for one quarter.

Students may appeal for a reduction or waiver of their CommUnity attendance requirement. The most common waivers granted are for students who have work-related conflicts (on-campus or off-campus), Student Teaching hours, and/or flight times during CommUnity programs. On-Campus jobs in the following departments eligible for waivers: The Express, Sodexo, Residence Hall Front Desk, Administration Building Front Desk, and the WWU PreSchool. Other reductions or waivers may be granted on other bases, including but not limited to: ADA accommodations, personal/family crises, and illness.  

Reduction/Waiver request forms are valid on a quarter-by-quarter basis and may be obtained online here or from the Student Life Office (lower level of Kellogg Hall). All reduction and waiver requests must be accompanied by appropriate documentation, such as:

  • A complete work schedule, signed by a supervisor;
  • A complete class schedule, signed by an academic advisor;
  • Accommodation documentation provided through Disability Support Services;
  • A signed note from a healthcare provider.

Reduction and waiver requests for scheduled conflicts are to be submitted to the Student Life Office by the first Friday of the Quarter. Reduction and waiver requests for unscheduled or unpredictable conflicts can be submitted at any time before the end of the quarter in which the reduction/waiver is to occur.

Computing Policy

Walla Walla University maintains computers, computer software, computerized data, computer networks, and connections to external networks, collectively referred to as computer facilities, for the purpose of fostering the instruction, research, and the administrative functions of the university. Computing facilities are provided for use by WWU students, faculty, and staff in support of the activities of the university. All students, faculty, and staff are responsible for seeing that these computing facilities are used in an effective, efficient, ethical, and lawful manner.

These policies establish rights, responsibilities, and restrictions regarding access and use of university-owned computer facilities. These policies apply to centrally administered computer systems, departmental computer systems, and university-owned personal computers. They include all means of accessing these, as well as all computerized institutional data regardless of the office in which it resides or the format in which it is used.

All computer users have two basic rights: a reasonable expectation of privacy and a fair share of the resources. Consequently, computer users have the responsibility to help ensure that others also experience those rights.

System management on the internet depends on each other’s cooperation to enforce policies and keep general order. If a WWU computer user were to use our facilities to disrupt the operation of remote systems, the only recourse for the remote system manager might be to terminate all access from WWU computers. This could cause the disruption of many internet facilities upon which our users depend. In addition, if government systems were involved, the user might be in violation of United States and/or Washington state law (refer to the Washington State Criminal Code).

Concussion Policy

Walla Walla University is committed to protecting the health of and providing a safe environment for each of its students. To this end, Walla Walla University has adopted the following Concussion Safety Protocol for all students at Walla Walla University. In the event of a concussion, the Concussion Safety Protocol detailed in the full policy must be followed.

Students who believe they have suffered a concussion, or exhibit concussion symptoms after a blow to the body or head injury, should seek out medical care at the College Place Health Clinic, the local hospital, or emergency services for evaluation and report these results to the Dean of Students Office.

For all cases involving a diagnosed concussion, there must be documentation that a post-concussion plan of care was communicated to both the student and university personnel. This plan of care will be communicated to the Dean of Students and may be shared with the AVP of academic administration.


Pedestrians crossing the streets on campus should cross at designated crosswalks.  Crosswalks with lighted signals should be activated and followed for pedestrians to cross safely.  Drivers have the right-of-way at cross walks with signals until the signal is activated and the walk signal is given. If the pedestrian does not allow reasonable time and distance for the driver to stop, the driver has the right-of-way.

Driver Policy

All drivers of Walla Walla University-owned or business-rented vehicles, or those driving their personal vehicles with passengers for WWU-coordinated travel must be a WWU Approved Driver List. To apply to be a WWU Approved Driver, complete the Approved Driver Questionnaire can be found on this page under WWU Employees/Volunteers Approval Process and reach out to risk.safety.management@nbzhiai.com to complete additional paperwork.

Drone Policy

This policy applies to the WWU community: students, faculty, administrators, staff, visitors, guests, and any others who operate an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) in university airspace.

As it does with other highly regulated technologies of scholarly or other operational importance, WWU seeks to permit UAS and drones to be utilized productively in a manner that fully meets institutional, legal, public safety, and ethical responsibilities. Thus WWU maintains a Drone Policy to provide direction to anyone possessing or operating a UAS on WWU property. Direction includes registration of specific UAS types, rules, and regulations that govern their use along with specific sanctions for violating this policy.

The use of UAS can make significant contributions to university research and service/outreach in a variety of disciplines. Additionally, aerial photography with UAS can potentially assist in university academics (study, research), marketing, land management, athletics, law enforcement, and other support functions.

For a full list of procedures and regulations, please visit the Campus Security website at nbzhiai.com/security.

Drug Policy

See the drug and alcohol policies in the Student Code of Conduct, Part VII.

Email Policy

Walla Walla University is committed to developing and nurturing an atmosphere of excellence for students, faculty, and staff. As part of this commitment, we recognize our responsibility to facilitate efficient and effective communications between all members of our WWU family.

Students, faculty, and staff are provided with a WWU email address. All campus computer software will default to WWU email accounts, and internal emails will be sent only to WWU accounts (firstname.lastname@nbzhiai.com). Email is considered an official communication tool at WWU, and appropriate use is essential and expected. Specifically:

Your responsibilities:

  1. Check your WWU email account frequently. Official university communications may be time-sensitive, and you are responsible for collecting and responding to email communications in a timely manner.
  2. Maintain your WWU email account. Official email sent to your WWU account will be considered received. Your email account should be maintained so that it can continue to receive official correspondence—report technical problems or other obstacles that hinder the receipt of email to your WWU account to the IT help desk.
  3. Redirect WWU account messages at your own risk. WWU does not accept responsibility for redirected emails that were not received at their final destination. If you choose to redirect your email messages to another email address, you maintain responsibility for managing your destination email account so that emails can be received in a timely manner.
  4. Reply to email messages sent to your WWU account. If you are unable to respond to incoming messages in a timely manner, you are responsible for alerting the sender of the delay and/or redirecting the sender to an alternate contact person when appropriate.
  5. Use appropriate content, tone, and structure when you send emails from your WWU account.
  • WWU is committed to providing an environment that recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of every person (see WWU’s Anti-Harassment Statement, and Student Handbook Civility Statement). Emails sent from your WWU account should be consistent with this code of conduct and these stated values. Prohibited emails include, but are not limited to, emails intended to harass or intimidate others, emails that transfer materials in violation of copyright or FERPA laws, or emails that disrupt the business of WWU.
  • Emails sent from your WWU account should be structured according to standards for clear, accurate, and appropriate communications. Emails addressing official WWU business should include a WWU signature with contact information as designated below:

Jodi Wagner

Vice president for University Relations and Advancement

Walla Walla University | 204 S. College Ave. | College Place, WA 99324

T: (509) 527-2510 | E: jodi.wagner@nbzhiai.com

WWU on Facebook | WWU on Instagram |WWU on Twitter

  • Report troubling or disruptive emails. Email messages received to your WWU account should reflect the university’s code of conduct and stated values. If you receive email messages or content that is inappropriate, menacing, or derogatory, you should promptly report those messages to the Human Resources director (faculty/staff) or the vice president of Student Life (students).

Sending/receiving mass email

WWU is committed to facilitating efficient and effective communications between all members of its university family. Students, faculty, and staff are first encouraged to utilize the WWU app to notify significant populations about:

  • Items/services for sale.
  • Transportation services needed/available.
  • Lost and found items.
  • Discussions/forums.
  • Upcoming events.
  • Announcements.

However, the university recognizes an occasional need to deliver messages to significant populations for administrative purposes or to communicate sensitive information.

Mass email criteria. Messages addressing official WWU administrative matters and messages that are critically important in nature may be sent via mass email. These messages include, but are not limited to, official correspondence from WWU administration, power/system shutdowns or interruptions, weather alerts or disruptions, and notices of a time-sensitive nature (such as last-minute event cancellations or relocations). In general, mass emails should be:

  • Short—no more than two short paragraphs.
  • Focused—only one topic per email.
  • Clear—subject lines and paragraphs are concise and descriptive.

Mass email list access. A subset of WWU representatives will have unrestricted access to all email lists as designated by Cabinet. These representatives are authorized to route mass emails according to our policy. These representatives include, but may not be limited to:

  • Marketing and Enrollment Services representatives.
  • Risk and Safety Management representatives.
  • Administrators.
  • Distance learning representatives.
  • Information Technology representatives.
  • ASWWU marketing officer (one email per week).
  • Campus chaplain (one email per week).

Email privacy

WWU will make every effort to maintain the integrity of its email systems, networks, and servers. Any email message that resides on WWU’s servers is the property of the university. To improve traffic flow and reduce spam, the university may take steps to reallocate and reorganize systems, networks, and servers, and will consult with affected email senders/receivers accordingly.

While the privacy of email will be respected, the integrity of the data cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, information that must be kept confidential should not be created, transmitted, received, or stored via a WWU email account. Email communication can be legally actionable. System managers are authorized to take action as required by federal, state, local law or court order. System managers are authorized to investigate alleged violations of federal or state law and to take action is required to comply with the law.

E-mail disciplinary action

Failure to adhere to WWU’s Student Code of Conduct and standards for appropriate and respectful communication may result in disciplinary action based on the facts and circumstances.

Emergency preparedness and procedures

Students will receive emergency emails and texts through our emergency alert system. For information on how to prepare or respond to emergency events such as fires, earthquakes, bomb threats, and evacuations, go online to nbzhiai.com/security and refer to the “Emergency Procedures” section.


Any entertainment or activity sponsored by a WWU club or organization should be consistent with Seventh-day Adventist Christian principles. In an attempt to achieve this consistency and meet the university community’s standards of good taste, planned public entertainment must be approved by the organizing sponsor. Group leaders and sponsors are responsible for their entertainment activity. Music performances are expected to be appropriate for the occasion. Performances made without prior approval may jeopardize participant’s registration and disciplinary measures may be taken.

Event planning/risk assessment for university-sponsored activities

Walla Walla University wants to provide event organizers with resources to assist in assessing their activities and planning the appropriate risk management and safety steps, thereby enhancing the experience of participants and organizers alike. The most important step is to give yourself time and plan ahead. Further information about event planning/risk assessment for university-sponsored activities can be found here.

If your event involves a physical activity, as the leader and organizer of the group, it is your responsibility to write out a plan for conducting the activity safely, outlining who will be responsible for different aspects of the activity. If appropriate, communicate safety information to all participants and document that communication in your event file. Please contact Risk and Safety Management at (509) 527-2250 for more information.

Event approval checklist can be found here.

Fire protection

The illegal use of or tampering with fire protection equipment of any sort is a violation of campus, city, and state fire ordinances. If you are responsible for any such misuse or tampering, WWU and outside authorities may take disciplinary action. Periodic fire drills are held in all campus buildings.

Firearms and other weapons

Walla Walla University does not allow any firearms or weapons (including pellet guns, BB guns, paintball guns, and toy guns, as well as any explosive devices, bombs, or any other makeshift weapon) on our campus, including university-owned housing, regardless of your legal right to own or possess them off campus. Students are prohibited from carrying, possessing, or using guns or other dangerous devices for any purpose at any time on university premises, including weapons kept in vehicles on university property. Weapons and other dangerous devices are also prohibited off university premises while on university business or at university-sponsored events. People who possess a concealed-weapons permit are not allowed to carry weapons on university property or while representing the university. Violators are subject to disciplinary action, fines, and arrest on local, state, and/or federal charges.

Anyone who observes or has knowledge of someone violating this policy should immediately report the incident to Campus Security. The reporter should be prepared to provide any relevant information that caused him or her to observe or suspect the violation.

Failure to adhere to the university’s weapons policy or failure to cooperate in the investigation is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from school.

Fires and fireworks

Use or possession of fireworks on campus, including in university-owned housing, is expressly forbidden. Violators are subject to fines and disciplinary action.

OSHA requires a hot work permit for work that involves burning (fires of any type), welding, using fire- or spark-producing tools, or the use of anything that produces a source of ignition. This includes, but is not limited to, bonfires, any activity involving a fire, and any activity involving a source of heat. A hot work permit must be filled out and approved at least 24 hours prior to the event. To obtain a hot work permit or for further information, please stop by the Campus Security office.

Grievance Policy

A prescribed grievance process ensures the rights of all students, faculty, and staff who feel any person acting for WWU has treated them in an unfair, unethical, or discriminatory manner. The policy can be viewed in the Governance Handbook online at atc1.nbzhiai.com/academics/academic-administration/governance/governance-handbook/.

Health insurance

All WWU students must have health insurance. When registering for classes, students acknowledge that they complied with this requirement and further acknowledge that they are responsible for maintaining health insurance at all times while a student at WWU. Thus, if their insurance lapses while at WWU, they are responsible for obtaining replacement coverage. Students are encouraged to evaluate their health insurance coverage to ensure that there are providers in their local school area. Information regarding local area providers and links to purchase other insurance plans can be found at nbzhiai.com/insurance.

Human Rights Policy

Walla Walla University is committed to equality in human rights and does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, religion, color, gender, age, disability, or national origin in the administration of educational policies, admission policies, employment programs, scholarship and loan programs, or any other school- administered program.

Immunization Policy

Walla Walla University encourages all students to maintain current immunization status, which includes MMR and meningococcal vaccines. All new students, as well as students returning from student mission assignments, must successfully complete a Tuberculosis Screen form. A physical examination is recommended for all new students. To expedite the registration process, the TB screening form should be completed online prior to arrival on campus. 

Keys on campus

Student employees on the WWU campuses may be issued keys and/or card access in order to perform the necessary functions of their job.

Making a duplicate key is not allowed and is done only by the WWU Key Shop. Loaning of any WWU-issued keys to another person is strictly prohibited. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from school.

Replacement of key: If a key is lost or stolen, the employee should notify Campus Security at 509-527-2222 and the Key Shop at 509-527-2936 as soon as possible. Employees are assessed a key replacement charge by Facility Services for the amount assigned to the key indicated on the signature card. The amount will be charged to the student’s account.

Returning keys: When you sign the signature card, you agree to return the key(s) to Facility Services (509-527-2925 upon termination of employment. When you sign the signature card, you also agree to let WWU add the  monetary value of the key  to your student account if the key is not returned to Facility Services before you leave campus.

Keycard access: Your WWU ID card automatically gives you access to most buildings on campus. If you live in the residence halls, your ID card may also be the key to your room. Creation of duplicate ID cards or additional key cards to access WWU property without prior permission is not allowed. If you need additional access to your work area, you will need to have the department chair or office manager/administrative assistant submit an online card access request. For more information about ID card use in the Residence Halls, please see the Residential Life Handbook.

Liability policies

Walla Walla University cannot accept responsibility for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Students are encouraged to arrange private insurance coverage for their personal belongings. Financial institutions are located conveniently near campus for safekeeping of money. 

Anyone responsible for damage to university property or equipment will make restitution for that damage. Only individuals who have made appropriate arrangements are permitted access to university equipment, private areas, and roofs of university buildings.

Meat Policy

In keeping with the values and health traditions of the Seventh-day Adventist church, any individual or group representing Walla Walla University will adhere to a lacto-ovo vegetarian menu when serving or providing food. No meat may be sold or served on the Walla Walla University campus.

Nondiscrimination policy

Walla Walla University adheres to all federal and state civil rights laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination in public and private universities of higher education (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973). Walla Walla University is a religiously qualified institution of higher education. It does not discriminate whether explicitly or implicitly against students or applicants for admission on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, pregnant or parenting statuses, the presence of neuro diverse abilities (sensory, mental, or physical abilities), or use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.

Walla Walla University reserves its constitutional, statutory, and common law rights as a religious institution and employer to give preference in employment and admissions according to the religious values of our institution as defined in the employee and student handbooks, as protected but not limited to 42 USC Sections 2000e-1, 2000e-2, sec 6-15 of Federal Executive Order 11246: 41 CFR Sections 60-1.5(5); 20 USC Sec 1681 (a)(3), 34 CFR Sections 106.12 (a) and (b), 106.21, 106.31, 106.39, 106.40, 106.51, 106.57; Washington State RCW 50.44.045 and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The university believes that Title IX regulations are subject to constitutional guarantees against unreasonable entanglement with or infringements on the religious teachings and practices of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The University claims a religious exception from the provisions of Title IX set forth in 34 CFR Sections 106.12 (a) and (b), 106.21, 106.31, 106.39, 106.40, 106.51, and 106.57, insofar as they conflict with church teachings and practices of morality, deportment, and appearance. The University is committed to administering its policies and procedures in a manner that is fair and impartial and that treats all persons with inherent dignity and respect. When the University determines that a violation of this Policy has occurred, any such discrimination will be promptly and fairly addressed and remedied by Walla Walla University according to the resolution process outlined within this policy.

Equal Opportunity Harassment and Nondiscrimination Policy can be viewed here.

See also the Title IX statement.

Public Relations and Posting Policy

Materials posted and distributed on campus must have prior approval from the Student Life office. This applies equally to materials from students, faculty, staff, and off-campus organizations. Signs may only be posted in designated areas. Posting on glass doors is a safety hazard and must be avoided.

Flier distribution: Announcements of upcoming university events can be distributed through the university’s mail services if each flier includes the name of the originating department. A complete distribution list must accompany fliers, indicating which populations of the campus community the flier is to be distributed to. It is the originator’s responsibility to ensure the correct number of fliers is available for distribution in boxes.

Posting on campus bulletin boards: All posters/signs placed on Walla Walla University property must cohere with WWU and Seventh-day Adventist values. Sponsors of a poster/sign are responsible for compliance with WWU’s poster/sign policy.

WWU offices that approve postings*:

  • Student Life.
  • Student Development Center.
  • Marketing and Enrollment Services.
  • Campus Ministries.

*Academic and staff departments are not required to obtain authorization to display postings of their own choosing within their own departments as long as the postings cohere with WWU and Seventh-day Adventist values.

Poster/sign content that qualifies for consideration:

  • WWU-sponsored events and activities.
  • Local Seventh-day Adventist school and Seventh-day Adventist church official events and activities.
  • Walla Walla Community College/Whitman College official events and activities that align with WWU and Seventh-day Adventist values.
  • Advertisement of other off-campus organizations or events will not be authorized unless a recognized WWU student organization or department sponsors the event/activity.

Postings on Walla Walla University property must meet the following criteria:

  • Postings may not contain libelous or vulgar content and shall comply with copyright and trademark rules.
  • Postings cannot advertise alcohol, tobacco products, vaping equipment, drugs, marijuana, firearms, or other weapons.
  • Postings shall not advertise items or spaces for rent or sale.
  • Postings shall not exceed a size of 11” x 17”.
  • Postings for events shall display the date, time, and location of the event.
  • The name and contact information of the sponsoring WWU recognized group, organization, department, or member of the campus community must be clearly indicated on the poster/sign.
  • Persons seeking approval of a poster/sign must:
    • Provide an actual example of the poster/sign, accurate in size, for approval.
    • Include the signature of the activity’s official WWU sponsor on the back of the example submitted for approval.
  • Postings are only permitted in authorized locations:
    • Approved WWU postings are permitted only on campus interior and exterior bulletin boards.
    • Approved posters/signs from non-WWU organizations will be posted only at the WWU kiosk, located between the Administration Building and Peterson Memorial Library, and/or The Express (DX).
    • No postings are permitted on university doors, walls, and/or windows.
  • There is a maximum of one active poster per event, per bulletin board location.
  • Job postings may only be posted with the approval of an academic department or the Student Development Center.
  • Posting within an academic or staff department requires the additional approval of the department’s chair/director or designee.
  • New postings should not be placed over other active postings.
  • Posted items must be removed from locations by those who posted them no more than seven days after they are no longer active posters.
  • Unless specifically permitted by Student Life, campus postings are limited to 30 days.
  • Unauthorized postings and materials posted outside of a designated posting area may be removed. Violation of poster rules can lead to revocation of posting privileges.

Reasonable Accommodation Policy

Walla Walla University does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment, in its programs or activities in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and ADAAA of 2010.

Under the ADA and section 504, a person with a disability “is a person who: (1) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; OR (2) has a record of such an impairment; OR (3) is regarded as having such an impairment.”

Applicants and/or existing employees with disabilities may request reasonable accommodation to enable them to perform the essential functions of their job or academic requirements. Students and/or student applicants with disabilities may request reasonable accommodation to enable them to have equal access in the university environment. If a student or employee wishes to receive information or request reasonable accommodation, they should contact a compliance officer. The compliance officer for employees is the director of Human Resources; for students needing learning and other support services, contact the Disability Support Services coordinator at (509) 527-2366. Anyone desiring information about the campus safety plan for individuals with disabilities should consult the document “Emergency Procedures for Assisting Individuals with Disabilities” (ADAAA of 2008).


See Campus Security.

Sexual discrimination

See the Title IX statement.

Sexual harassment, abuse, and personal safety

See the Title IX statement.

Sexual identity statement

Walla Walla University is a higher education institution founded on Christian teachings and values as understood and appreciated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

  • We believe that every person is created in the image of God as a being of inestimable value and worth who is radically loved by God and imbued with the powers of intelligence, stewardship, and creativity akin to those of the Creator. God showed the depth of His love, compassion, and revolutionary hospitality for all humanity in the person of Jesus, and calls us as His followers to do the same regardless of sexuality and gender differences (Matt. 22:34- 40; John 13:34-35).
  • We believe that sexual relationships are to be expressed in the context of a committed marriage between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:23-25; Matt. 19:4-6; Eph. 5:31). Walla Walla University reflects this conviction through its policies and expects faculty, staff, and students to honor this conviction in their behavior.

Walla Walla University cares deeply about the wellbeing of its LGBTQ students. We recognize that the issues surrounding sexuality are complex and are committed to being an inclusive community of kindness, justice, and love. Despite our best efforts, we may not always model this perfect love for all people, but we pledge to do our best to live in harmony with our calling as followers of Jesus.  As we do so, we expect that our campus will grow as a place of learning as well as a place of welcome, refuge, and spiritual development for all people. 

Sexual Misconduct Policy

See the Title IX statement.

Sexual Standards Policy

Walla Walla University, as a religious institution owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, formulates policies for students that reflect the conviction that marriage is “a lifelong union between a man and a woman” (from the “28 Fundamental Beliefs”). In keeping with this conviction, we expect students to refrain from premarital and extramarital sexual relationships. Only couples united in a legal marriage between a man and a woman will be acknowledged as married in the policies of the university.

Vehicle regulations, violations, fines, and procedures


The Walla Walla University Vehicle Policy protects pedestrians, promotes safe vehicle operation, and facilitates organized traffic flow and parking on our campuses. The Vehicle Policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, contractors, and guests of WWU. No vehicles operating on our campuses are exempt from the Vehicle Policy. The Vehicle Policy includes general policies for all campuses; specific parking policies, registration procedures, and violation fines for College Place campus; and parking assignment information. WWU students, faculty, and staff are responsible for reading and adhering to the Vehicle Policy, which is available online.

Student Code of Conduct


Mission statement of the university

Walla Walla University is a community of faith and discovery committed to

  • Excellence in thought
  • Generosity in service
  • Beauty in expression
  • Faith in God


Walla Walla University is founded on Christian teachings and values as understood and appreciated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Central to these teachings is the belief that every person is created in the image of God as a being of inestimable value and worth, imbued with powers of intelligence, stewardship, and creativity akin to those of the Creator. Walla Walla University, therefore, seeks in its mission to foster the unique gifts of every individual within this Christian community of faith and discovery. Committed to excellence in thought, the university seeks to impart a broad knowledge of the arts, sciences, and professions by careful instruction and open inquiry at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Recognizing that God is the source of all truth, goodness, and beauty, the university seeks to convey to students a wisdom that translates academic achievement into responsible citizenship, generous service, a deep respect for the beauty in God’s creation, and the promise of re-creation through Jesus Christ.

Rationale and review for Student Life policies

As a Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Christian institution, Walla Walla University (WWU) expects its students to respect the values of SDA Christianity as designated in this handbook. The university supports and encourages mental, emotional, moral, physical, and spiritual health for its students. WWU fosters an environment of positive, life-enhancing values for students.

To preserve the integrity of its SDA Christian values and for the well-being of students, the university expects students to comply with its conduct requirements. When violations occur, WWU strives for a redemptive process with students according to the circumstances and effect on others in the campus environment.

Any question of interpretation or application of the Student Conduct Handbook is referred to, and at the discretion of, the vice president for Student Life or designee. The Student Handbook and Code of Conduct is reviewed and/or revised annually under the direction of the vice president for Student Life or designee.


Medical amnesty, Good Samaritan, and Self-Referral

At WWU, students’ safety is paramount. If a student is at risk or is with/knows of another student at risk, safety and security is the first priority. Students are encouraged to call 911 or Campus Security at (509) 527-2222 if there is any concern for student safety. The following policies are in place in order to ensure that students choose safety over fear of penalty for themselves or someone else.

Medical Amnesty Policy

Medical amnesty is when students seek medical assistance for themselves related to alcohol intoxication or drug impairment. These students will be exempt from the WWU report and investigation process. Students are always encouraged to seek assistance in the event of an emergency. Students who seek help for themselves or others according to these policies will be offered appropriate assistance without direct penalty.

Good Samaritan Policy

The Good Samaritan Policy is when students seek medical assistance for their peers related to alcohol intoxication or drug impairment. The student who reports as well as the student who is medically compromised due to substance use are exempt from the WWU report and investigation process. Students are always encouraged to seek assistance in the event of an emergency. Students who seek help for themselves or others according to these policies will be offered appropriate assistance without direct penalty.

Self-referral (voluntary)—alcohol, tobacco and drug concerns

WWU students are encouraged to report any concerns or personal risk regarding their own use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. This process is called "self-referral." Students who self-refer according to this policy are exempt from the WWU Student Conduct Process. 

Self-Referral Steps

  1. Student self-refers by contacting any one of the following officials:
    1. WWU Dean of Students;
    2. Any WWU Residence Hall Associate Dean;
    3. WWU Director of Residential Life;
    4. WWU Director of Housing;
    5. WWU Athletic Director.
  2. The staff member contacted by the Referring-Student then refers the report to the Dean of Students;
  3. Referring-Student meets with the Dean of Students;
  4. Referring-Student complies with the follow-up care plan, as determined by the Dean of Students. 

Follow Up Care

Students are then expected to work cooperatively with the Office of Student Life to address their circumstances regarding alcohol, drug, or tobacco use. The Office of Student Life will maintain appropriate follow-up contact, care, or recommend counseling to the student(s). If alcohol or drug assessment and/or counseling is advised, students will be required to sign a Release of Information Form so that the Dean of Students office can confirm treatment/assessment appointment attendance will be required for verification. A student's failure to comply with the follow-up care plan will disqualify that student from receiving amnesty. A student’s repetitive use of safety-designed policies may require review or investigation of the student’s eligibility for continued exemption.

To be eligible for amnesty, self-referrals must be documented with the Dean of Students Office before a Student Conduct investigation begins. Students who are under investigation for Code of Conduct or Handbook violations related to alcohol, drug, or tobacco use and then choose to self-report are not eligible for amnesty under the Code of Conduct. 

Beyond self-referring to Student Life, students are encouraged to seek assistance from other entities as well. Self-reports to these entities DO NOT make a student eligible for amnesty from the WWU Student Conduct process. Self-report options include, but are not limited to:

  • WWU Counseling Center.
  • College Place Health Clinic.
  • WWU's Chaplain’s Office.
  • Freshman Mentor.
  • Community healthcare agencies.
  • 911, in an emergency.

College Place campus 

  • Counseling & Testing Center
    • 295 S. College Ave., Suite 1, College Place, WA 99324
    • (509) 527-2147
  • College Place Health Clinic
    • 295 S. College Ave., Suite 1, College Place, WA 99324
    • (509) 382-8349
  • Walla Walla County Mental Health & Substance Abuse Crisis Line
    • (509) 524-2999
  • SAMHSA National Helpline
    • 1-800-662-4357

Portland campus

  • Adventist Health Parkrose Clinic
    • 1350 NE 122nd Ave., Portland, OR 97320
    • (503) 408-7010
  • Lewis & Clark Community Center
    • 4445 SW Barbour Blvd., Portland, OR 97239
    • (503) 768-6320
  • Oregon Health Authority Alcohol & Substance Abuse Helpline
    • 800-923-4357
  • SAMHSA National Helpline
    • 1-800-662-4357

Legal ramifications

WWU policies and potential penalties for student violations at the university are intended to be as helpful and redemptive as possible. However, WWU does not have jurisdiction or control over any legal ramifications of student’s behavior that may occur as a result of their choices. Violations of policies that are also violations of state and/or federal law may result in more serious WWU penalties as well as legal consequences (see Appendix B).

Washington State “Good Samaritan” Statute - RCW 69.50.315

Washington State Law states that:

"(1) A person acting in good faith who seeks medical assistance for someone experiencing a drug-related overdose shall not be charged or prosecuted for possession of a controlled substance pursuant to RCW 69.50.4013, or penalized under RCW 69.50.4014, if the evidence for the charge of possession of a controlled substance was obtained as a result of the person seeking medical assistance.

(2) A person who experiences a drug-related overdose and is in need of medical assistance shall not be charged or prosecuted for possession of a controlled substance pursuant to RCW 69.50.4013, or penalized under RCW 69.50.4014, if the evidence for the charge of possession of a controlled substance was obtained as a result of the overdose and the need for medical assistance.

(3) The protection in this section from prosecution for possession crimes under RCW 69.50.4013 shall not be grounds for suppression of evidence in other criminal charges." [Rev. 2015]



Please see Appendix A for legal definitions of such terms as: “university,” “student,” “faculty member,” “university official,” “member of the university community,” and more.

When defined terms are used throughout this Code of Conduct, they have been placed in bold italic type to remind readers that a legal definition is found in Appendix A.


Student conduct authority

The student conduct administrator will follow the guidelines outlined in the Walla Walla University Governance Handbook to determine the composition of the Student Conduct Board. The vice president for Student Life, or his or her designee, will determine the composition of the Appellate Board, when convened, and will determine when the Student Conduct Board and the Appellate Board will be authorized to hear each matter.

The assistant vice president for Student Life/dean of students will develop policies for the administration of the student conduct system and procedural rules for the conduct of the Student Conduct Board hearings consistent with provisions of the Student Code of Conduct.

Decisions made by a Student Conduct Board and/or student conduct administrator will be final, except as may be modified by the appeal process outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.


Proscribed student conduct 

Jurisdiction of the university Student Code of Conduct

The university Student Code of Conduct, in harmony with WWU’s values, applies to conduct that occurs on university premises or at university-sponsored activities, and includes off-campus conduct that may adversely affect the university community and/or the well-being of any WWU student(s). Each student is responsible for his or her conduct from the time of application for admission through the actual awarding of a degree, even though conduct may occur before classes begin or after classes end, and during periods between actual enrollment. The Student Code of Conduct applies to a student’s conduct even if the student withdraws from school while a disciplinary matter is pending. The vice president for Student Life or his/her designee will decide whether the Student Code of Conduct will be applied to conduct occurring off campus on a case-by-case basis, in his or her sole discretion.

Conduct—rules and regulations

Any student found to have committed or attempted to commit the following misconduct is subject to the disciplinary sanctions outlined in Part IV, unless it falls under harassment or Title IX, as determined by the vice president for Student Life and Title IX coordinator:

  1. Acts of dishonesty or deception, including but not limited to the following:
    • Furnishing false or misleading information to any university officialfaculty memberstaffor office.
    • Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any university document, record, or instrument of identification.
    • Fraudulent actions such as payroll and timecard fraud.
    • Academic dishonesty such as plagiarism or cheating.
    • A pattern of spreading unsubstantiated rumors.
    • Tampering with the election of leaders of any recognized student organization.
  2. Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other university activities, including its public service functions on or off campus, or of other authorized non-university activities when the conduct occurs on university premises.
  3. Complicity—A student shall not, through act of omission, assist another student, individual, or group in committing or attempting to commit a violation of this Student Code of Conduct. A student who has knowledge of another committing or attempting to commit a violation of the Student Code of Conduct is required to remove himself or herself from the situation, and failure to do so when reasonable under the circumstances may be the basis for a violation of this policy.
  4. Threats, intimidation, violence, aggressive behavior, physical/online bullying or physical/verbal abuse and/or conduct that threatens or endangers the physical or mental health and safety of any person or collective communities.  
  5. Harassment, aggressive pressure, or intimidation of another person, as referred to the harassment process as determined by the vice president for Student Life.
  6. Attempted or actual theft of and/or damage to property of the university, property of a member of the university community, or other personal or public property, on or off campus.
  7. Hazing, defined as an act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or which destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group or organization. The express or implied consent of the victim will not be a defense. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing are not neutral acts; they are violations of this rule.
  8. Destruction of property. Intentionally or recklessly damaging, destroying, defacing, or tampering with university property or the property of any person or business on campus.
  9. Intentional discrimination against a person or group of people on the basis of a target’s real or perceived race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, sex, age, ability level, veteran status, or sexual and gender identity/expression, or any other discriminatory practice, even if not based on a legally protected status, except where such distinction is allowed by law.  
  10. Misuse of safety equipment, unauthorized use, or alteration of firefighting equipment, safety devices, or other emergency equipment.
  11. Photographing, videotaping, filming, digitally recording, or by any other means secretly viewing with or without a device another person without that person’s consent in any location where the person has a reasonable expectation of privacy or in a manner that violates a reasonable expectation of privacy. This section does not apply to lawful security surveillance filming or recording that is authorized by law enforcement or authorized by university officials.
  12. Possessing property known to the possessor to be stolen and that may be identified as property of the university or any other person or business.
  13. Failure to comply with directions of campus security, other university official, or law enforcement officers while performing their duties. This includes but is not limited to the failure to identify oneself to one of these persons when requested, refusal to register a vehicle regularly parked on WWU property, failure to comply with the directives of a No Contact Order, or to complete disciplinary actions prescribed through a conduct process.
  14. Forcible entry, trespass, or unauthorized entry to any university building, structure, or facility and/or unauthorized entry to or use of university grounds.
  15. Gambling, wagering, and/or bookmaking as defined by federal, state, and/or local laws on university grounds or by using university equipment or services.
  16. Unauthorized possession, duplication, or use of keys to any university premises or unauthorized entry to or use of university premises.
  17. Transferring, lending, or borrowing university identification.
  18. Violation of any university policy, rule, or regulation published in hard copy or available electronically on the university website.
  19. Violation of any federal, state, or local law.
  20. Providing a space for alcohol to be available to others.
  21. Providing alcohol to minors.
  22. Violation of any policy related to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, as further detailed in the Student Code of Conduct, Part VII(Policies revised 2019)
  23. Illegal or unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives, other weapons, or dangerous chemicals on university premises or use of any such item, even if legally possessed, in a manner that harms, threatens, or causes fear to others.
  24. Participating in an on-campus or off-campus demonstration, riot, or activity that disrupts the normal operations of the university and/or infringes on the rights of other members of the university community; or leading or inciting others to disrupt scheduled and/or normal activities within any campus building or area.
  25. Participation in an organization’s event or activities on campus that have not been registered with the Student Life office or otherwise approved by the organization’s faculty/staff sponsor. This generally does not include small, nondisruptive recreational activities informally organized by students. However, students are encouraged to check with the Student Life office if they are unsure whether an event requires registration/approval.
  26. Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on university premises or at university-sponsored or -supervised functions.
  27. Conduct that is disorderly or indecent. Disorderly conduct includes, but is not limited to, any unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make an audio or video record of any person while on university premises without his or her prior knowledge, or without his or her effective consent when such a recording is likely to cause injury or distress. This includes, but is not limited to, surreptitiously taking pictures of another person in a gym, locker room, or restroom.
  28. Conduct that is lewd or indecent.
  29. Breach of peace; or aiding, abetting, or procuring another person to breach the peace on university premises or at functions sponsored by, or participated in by, the university or members of the university community.
  30. Theft or other abuse of computer facilities and resources.
  31. Sexual misconduct including, but not limited to, premarital or extramarital engagement in a consensual sexual relationship; cohabitation; possession of sexual paraphernalia; accessing, possessing, or displaying pornographic or other sexually explicit materials; and sexting or other virtual forms of sexual activity.
  32. Violation of the Sexual Misconduct Policy including, but not limited to, engaging in or attempting to engage in sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual intimidation, and/or sexual harassment. These cases may be referred to the Title IX coordinator.
  33. Relationship abuse or violence which includes dating violence, stalking, lurking and domestic violence. These cases may be referred to the Title IX coordinator.
  34. Unapproved use of Walla Walla University’s name, brand, or property for purposes incompatible with the Code of Conduct or values of the university.
  35. Failure to engage in responsible social conduct that does not reflect positively upon the university community and failure to model good citizenship in any community.
  36. Abuse of the student conduct system, including but not limited to:
    • Failure to comply with a notice from a Student Conduct Board or university official to appear for a meeting or hearing as part of the student conduct system.
    • Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information before a student conduct system.
    • Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a Student Conduct Board proceeding.
    • Instigation of a Student Code of Conduct proceeding in bad faith.
    • Attempting to discourage an individual’s appropriate participation in, or use of, the student conduct system.
    • Attempting to influence the impartiality of a member of a Student Conduct Board prior to, and/or during the course of, the Student Conduct Board proceeding.
    • Harassment (verbal or physical) and/or intimidation of a member of a Student Conduct Board prior to, during, and/or after a Student Code of Conduct proceeding.
    • Failure to comply with the penalties imposed under the Student Code of Conduct.
    • Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the student conduct system.
    • Retaliation or any adverse revengeful action taken against a person who makes an allegation, files a report, serves as a witness, or participates in an investigation.
  37. Failure to comply with local, state, and/or federal COVID-19 guidelines, or any WWU COVID-19 related rules or policies, including but not limited to any interim policies.

Violation of law and university discipline

University disciplinary proceedings may be instituted against a student charged with conduct that potentially violates both the criminal law and this Student Code of Conduct (that is, if both possible violations result from the same factual situation) without regard to the pendency of civil or criminal litigation in court or criminal arrest and prosecution. Proceedings under this Student Code of Conduct may be carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following civil or criminal proceedings off campus at the discretion of the vice president for Student Life. Determinations made or penalties imposed under this Student Code of Conduct will not be changed due to criminal charges arising out of the same facts being dismissed, reduced, or resolved in favor of or against the criminal law defendant.

When federal, state, or local authorities charge a student with a violation of law, the university will not request or agree to special consideration for that individual because of his or her status as a student. If the alleged offense is also being processed under the Student Code of Conduct, the university may advise off-campus authorities of the existence of the Student Code of Conduct and of how such matters are typically handled within the university community. The university will cooperate to the fullest extent permitted by law with law enforcement and other agencies in the enforcement of criminal law on campus and in the conditions imposed by criminal courts for the rehabilitation of student violators (if the conditions do not conflict with campus rules or penalties). Individual students and other members of the university community, acting in their personal capacities, remain free to interact with governmental representatives as they deem appropriate.


Proceedings and penalties

The Student Code of Conduct procedures and penalties set forth in this Part IV apply to all proscribed conduct set forth in Part III, unless otherwise indicated in the Code of Conduct.

Reports of potential violations

Any reports of potential student violations of policies are to be directed to the Office of Student Life. A report may be brought by any member of the university community and is referred to as the “complainant.” Reports are then reviewed and/or investigated by the dean of students and/or designee to determine the accuracy and/or severity of the violation. The investigative process may be brief or more prolonged, depending upon the individual case.

Steps in the investigation process

Reports of potential student conduct violations will initiate the following process and/or investigation. An investigation of a violation is conducted in a reasonable, timely manner*:

  1. An initial report is made or evidence provided to the Office of Student Life.
  2. The dean of students or designee contacts the student who has been reported to briefly discuss the issue and/or to schedule an individual meeting.
  3. The accused student meets with the dean of students or designee to discuss the report and potential violation, with the opportunity for explanation from the accused student.
  4. Outcomes of this discussion may result in one of the following:
    1. The report may be resolved between the accused student and the dean/designee upon review and thorough discussion.
    2. The dean/designee may assign possible penalties during the discussion.
    3. After the discussion between the accused student and the dean/designee, the report or incident may warrant further investigation by Student Life personnel, which will then proceed.
    4. After further investigation, the student may be assigned penalties by the dean/designee.
    5. After further investigation, the student may be referred to the Student Conduct Board. Students are informed of their right to an advocate, if referred to the Student Conduct Board.
    6. The Student Conduct Board may assign interim penalties to the student during its process, if necessary, or after the Student Conduct Board process and investigation concludes (see Student Conduct Board process).

*A reasonable and timely manner means that the Office of Student Life attempts to respond and investigate a violation without any unnecessary delay. The meetings and/or process described above are pursued with diligence and sensitivity to each student and/or case.

Student Conduct Board: Investigation process

If a student is referred to the Student Conduct Board after initial investigation of a violation, there are two phases of the Student Conduct Board’s investigation process: a hearing phase and a deliberation phase. This process is designed to determine the appropriate outcome for the student’s alleged violation of a policy. The student is allowed to select an advocate for support during the investigative process.

Hearing phase

During the hearing phase, the Student Conduct Board has the discretion to require one or more students in a related incident to appear together. (Students may request an individual hearing. The student conduct administrator decides whether to grant that request or not.) During this phase, attendance is limited to the following:

  • Student Conduct Board members.
  • Witnesses who answer questions directed by the Student Conduct Board members.
  • Student(s)under investigation and their selected advocate(s) present for support.
  • Others invited at the Student Conduct Board’s discretion.

After being given notice of the hearing phase, if a student under investigation does not appear as requested, the Student Conduct Board will proceed despite the student’s absence.

Deliberation phase

Discussion during this phase is limited to members of the Student Conduct Board. Evidence considered includes but is not limited to the testimony of witnesses, written records, photographs, videos, etc.

A student’s honesty and spirit of cooperation in the disciplinary process and a student’s prior offenses are considered as relevant to the Student Conduct Board investigation process and potential outcome.

Every effort will be made to complete the investigation process within two weeks of the initial conversation between the accused student and the dean of students/designee. Some complex cases may require more time. The dean of students/designee will communicate timeline expectations on a case-by-case basis.

Investigation outcomes

The Student Conduct Board’s decision will be made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that the accused student committed a violation. Both guilt and penalty decisions of the Student Conduct Board will be determined by a majority vote. If there is no majority, the chair (dean of students/designee) makes the final decision. As a result of the Student Conduct Board process, students will be assigned a penalty or penalties based upon the severity of their violation and its effects.

Investigation outcome reports (documentation of the penalty or penalties) will be provided in writing to the following parties:

  • Student(s) under investigation.
  • Alleged victim (if applicable).
  • Complainant.
  • Vice president for Student Life.
  • Other individuals determined on a need-to-know basis as per investigation outcomes.


Student conduct violations: Guidelines, consequences, and penalties

WWU’s primary goal is for student conduct violations and penalties to be educational, redemptive, and restorative for the student(s). Penalties are assigned with the intent of a logical connection between the violation and the penalty as well as the opportunity for long-term meaningful change for the student.

Violation guidelines: General categories, penalty considerations, and typical penalty applications

The following information provides potential categories, considerations, and typical applications of violations for student conduct offenses. Each decision regarding a student’s case is made on an individual basis by the dean of students or designee (if resolved in the initial informal conversation between the accused student and dean/designee) or by the Student Conduct Board (if resolved by the formal convening of the Student Conduct Board), considering the unique circumstances surrounding each incident and each student. At the same time, decisions are determined in a context of consistency and fairness to all students. More than one penalty can be imposed for a single violation.

Examples of general categories of violations

  • Noncompliance violations: WWU policies, penalty expectations, unauthorized entries, residence life policies, etc.).
  • Technology-related violations: Internet, ID cards, pornography, violation of federal/national law or WWU policy, etc.
  • Safety-related violations: WWU premises including roofs and tunnels, equipment, property of others, etc.
  • Disorderly conduct: Hazing, bullying, discrimination, harassment, vulgarity, obscenity, violence, etc.
  • Dangerous behavior: Threats, weapons, arson, explosives, fireworks, etc.
  • Dishonest behavior: Theft, lying, plagiarism, possession of stolen property, etc.
  • Sexual misconduct*: Lewd or indecent sexual behavior, pornography in any form, sexual assault, engaging in premarital sex or nonconsensual sexual activity, etc.
  • Alcohol, drugs, and tobacco violations: Use, abuse, possession, or distribution of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco, or paraphernalia related to these substances, etc.

*Title IX and sexual harassment processes are separate from Student Life processes.

Examples of penalty considerations

  • Nature of violation.
  • Severity of violation.
  • Number of violations (within incident or conduct history).
  • Consequences on others.
  • Student’s attitude and cooperation.
  • Cumulative student offenses in multiple areas or situations on campus.
  • Legal ramifications of the violation.

Examples of typical penalty applications

First time and/or minor

For violations that are first-time and/or reasonably minor, corrective action warnings (verbal or written) may be sufficient. However, additional penalties, or even dismissal, could apply to first-time violations when appropriate.

Repeated and/or more significant

Violations for which discussions and subsequent review with the dean of students or designee with possible penalties imposed, and/or a referral to the Student Conduct Board. The dean of students may also deem dismissal the appropriate consequence.

Repeated and/or severe

These are violations that may result in a dismissal from WWU for one or more quarters, or possible permanent expulsion, as a result of the investigation by the dean of students and/or Student Conduct Board.

Consequences and/or penalties result from student violations of WWU policies. These penalties are assigned carefully by Student Life personnel to encourage student integrity and restoration. More than one penalty may be imposed for any single violation. Sanctions and Student Conduct Board proceedings will be administered as provided in Part IV of the Student Code of Conduct. Students should refer to the Student Code of Conduct for further detailed information.


Possible consequences/penalties for student conduct violations

Consequence or penalty: Verbal warning
Purpose: To inform a student of a problematic behavior that has been observed and/or reported by others, followed by discussion with the dean of students or designee. A verbal warning does not require further action.

Consequence or penalty: Written warning
Purpose: To provide the student with an official letter describing the violation committed and the penalty and/or agreement that has been reached between the student and dean of students or designee.

Consequence or penalty: Community service
Purpose: To assign the student community service time on or off campus as arranged by campus personnel.

Consequence or penalty: Mentoring
Purpose: To assign a student to a mentor (WWU staff or faculty member) to support the student throughout an investigation/penalty process. The mentor may or may not be informed of the detail relating to the precipitating behavior.

Consequence or penalty: Reflection paper
Purpose: To require a student to submit a reflection paper regarding their violation and its consequences, perhaps including a copy to a primary recipient and a copy submitted to the dean of students.

Consequence or penalty: Research reports/media resource review
Purpose: To require a student to research a relevant topic and produce a report, or a resource or literature review.

Consequence or penalty: Social restrictions/limitation of privileges
Purpose: To assign social restrictions and/or a loss of privileges on campus (e.g., contact or relationship-related, locations, and/or activities, etc.) to a student due to the nature of a violation.

Consequence or penalty: Housing reassignment or removal
Purpose: To reassign a student to a different housing placement if in campus housing or for the student to be removed from university housing on a temporary or permanent basis, depending upon the severity of circumstances.

Consequence or penalty: On-campus employer notification
Purpose: To alert on-campus employers that a student has been found responsible for violating the student code of conduct. Any action taken by the on-campus employer as a result of this notification will be subject to the employer/manager and the WWU Student Employee Handbook. 

Consequence or penalty: Restitution
Purpose: To create the opportunity for a student to pay for loss, damage, or injury in a violation. Alternatively, students may be required to make a non-monetary contribution with community service.

Consequence or penalty: Periodic drug testing
Purpose: To require periodic drug testing at the student’s expense if that student has been in violation.

Consequence or penalty: Substance education program
Purpose: To require a student who committed a substance violation (after the investigation outcome) to attend and complete an assigned substance education program conducted either on or off campus.

Consequence or penalty: Parental notification (for students under age 21)
Purpose: To require a student under age 21 to inform his/her parent about incidents involving the student and/or penalties assigned.

Consequence or penalty: No contact order
Purpose: To prohibit contact with injured parties or witnesses.

Consequence or penalty: Citizenship probation (loss of student leadership and/or co-curricular positions, and/or participation in athletic or other WWU-represented activities)
Purpose: To require a student to withdraw from a position of current leadership or WWU participatory activity on a temporary or perhaps permanent basis, depending upon the violation.

Consequence or penalty: Suspension (university or residence hall)
Purpose: To impose a university or residence hall suspension to ensure the safety and well-being of the student, others in the university community, or university property. To also determine if other university activities or privileges need to be suspended prior to the investigation outcome.

Consequence or penalty: Dismissal
Purpose: To dismiss a student from WWU (either immediately, if necessary, or during/at the end of the investigation phase) for a defined or undefined time.

Consequence or penalty: Dismissal by termination at the end of a quarter
Purpose: To dismiss a student from WWU, but with permission to complete the courses in progress, provided that the student’s conduct is acceptable during the interim period.

Consequence or penalty: Discretionary penalties
Purpose: To assign appropriate penalties to students at the discretion of the dean of students or Student Conduct Board, in collaboration with the student.


Student appeals process for violations and/or penalties 

An appeal of a decision made by the Student Conduct Board or the dean of students may be made by the accused student, the complainant, and/or the alleged victim. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the vice president of Student Life or designee within seven school days of the written decision of the Student Conduct Board or dean/designee. An appeal must clearly identify the charges and/or penalties that are being appealed and the appropriate rationale for the appeal. Unless a safety issue is involved, a student continues to attend class in regular standing during an appeal process.

An appeal may be made for the following reasons.

  • To determine whether the Student Conduct Board hearing was conducted fairly and in conformity with WWU policy and procedures.
  • To determine whether the decision regarding the accused student was based on information sufficient to establish that a violation of the Student Code of Conduct more likely than not occurred.
  • To determine whether the penalties imposed were appropriate for the violation that the student committed.
  • To consider new information or relevant facts that were not available in the original hearing, because the information and/or facts could not have been known to the student or Student Conduct Board at that time.

The vice president for Student Life determines if the appeal meets the criteria stated above and whether or not an Appellate Board will be convened to hear the appeal.

The Appellate Board is organized and chaired by the vice president for Student Life or designee to specifically address student appeals. The Appellate Board provides a copy of the student’s written appeal to the accused student(s) and/or complainants and/or alleged victims. The students or individuals concerned who receive the written appeal have seven school days to submit a written response to the Appellate Board.

The Appellate Board (typically, but not always, is comprised of one faculty member, one university staff member, and one student) reviews the student’s written appeal, any other written responses, a record of the Student Conduct Board hearing and any supporting documents. The appeal is reviewed and decided by the Appellate Board (based on the criteria stated above), under the leadership and discretion of the vice president of Student Life. Decisions are made by majority vote with the vice president deciding in cases of no majority.

The Appellate Board will issue a written decision within 21 days after submission of the appeal. A copy of the board’s decision will be provided to the accused student, complainant, the injured party (if any), the dean of students and the Student Conduct Board. A copy may also be provided at the discretion of the dean of students or designee to faculty members and officials including the university president.

If the Appellate Board upholds a student’s appeal in part or in whole, it may render a final decision regarding the charges, penalties or both. No further appeals will be permitted.

Alternatively, the Appellate Board may return the case to the Student Conduct Board and/or dean of students to allow reconsideration of the original determination and/or penalties due to the rationale for the student’s appeal. No additional hearing will be held or evidence considered unless specifically directed by the Appellate Board in its written decision. Within 14 calendar days of the appeal decision, the original Student Conduct Board will issue a decision based upon deliberation of the information provided by the Appellate Board. No further appeal will be permitted after the final decision of the Student Conduct Board.

If an appeal is denied, the matter will be considered final and binding upon all involved and no further appeals will be permitted.


Alcohol, tobacco, and drug policies 

WWU is an alcohol-, tobacco-, and drug-free campus. Committed to a learning environment that is focused on and supportive of student safety and success, WWU holds that a lifestyle free of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs is critical in achieving these goals. While students may have varying positions and/or backgrounds regarding substance use, all WWU students are expected to refrain from the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other recreational and/or illicit drugs. 

Any question of interpretation or application of the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct is referred to, and at the discretion of, the vice president for Student Life or designee. The Student Handbook and Code of Conduct is reviewed and/or revised annually under the direction of the vice president for Student Life or designee.

Alcohol Policy 

The manufacture, distribution, purchase, possession, or use of alcohol is prohibited. Providing alcohol and/or a space for alcohol to be available to others is also prohibited. Providing alcohol to minors is also a violation of state and federal law. Violation of this policy is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 

If WWU students are in a situation where alcohol is involved and are concerned for their own safety or the safety of others, they are encouraged to call 911 or contact campus security to seek appropriate safety interventions (see Medical Amnesty and Good Samaritan Policy). 

Drug Policy

The manufacture, distribution, possession, or use of recreational and/or illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia is prohibited. The misuse of any legally obtained substance that produces euphoria, intoxication or impairment is also prohibited. Intentional misuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs or providing them to others is also a violation of the drug policy. Violation of the university’s drug policy is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 

If WWU students are in a situation where drugs are involved and are concerned for their own safety or the safety of others, they are encouraged to call 911 or contact campus security to seek appropriate safety interventions (see Medical Amnesty and Good Samaritan Policy). 

General definition of recreational, illicit, and legally obtained substances

Recreational and/or illicit drugs include, but are not limited to, substances such as cannabis (medical and recreational), opioids (e.g. codeine, morphine, and heroin), hallucinogens (e.g. LSD), stimulants (e.g. cocaine, amphetamines), ecstasy, ketamine, peyote, and other drugs prohibited by state and federal law. Legally obtained substances are defined as naturally occurring or manufactured substances that, when misused, produce intoxication and impairment (e.g. over-the-counter medications, bath salts, synthetic drugs, aerosols). This definition does not include lawfully prescribed drugs taken as directed under a physician’s guidance. Medical marijuana, even when prescribed by a physician, is illegal under federal law and is considered an illicit substance under this policy.

Tobacco Policy 

The manufacture, distribution, purchase, possession, or use of tobacco and tobacco-related paraphernalia is prohibited. This includes electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, or any product/device used as a nicotine or drug delivery system. Any products intended to mimic tobacco use are also prohibited. Violation of this policy is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 

Adverse effects of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs

Students are provided information regarding adverse effects of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Some of these are listed in the table below. WWU personnel are willing to assist students who may have become users of these substances.

Adverse effects and risks of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs*

Drugs: Opioids
Examples of commercial/street names: Opium, morphine, codeine, heroin, meperidine, methadone, other narcotics, diacetylmorphine (smack, horse, brown sugar, dope), laudanum (big O, black stuff, block, gum hop), fentanyl
Acute effects/health risks: Addiction; euphoria; drowsiness; impaired coordination; dizziness; confusion; nausea; sedation; feeling of heaviness in the body; slowed or arrested breathing; constipation; endocarditis (heart problems); hepatitis; HIV; fatal overdose

Drugs: Depressants
Examples of commercial/street names: Chloral hydrate, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, methaqualone, glutimide, other depressants
Acute effects/health risks: Possible addiction; slurred speech; disorientation; possible weight loss; liver function impairment; white blood cell reduction; mood swings; slowed or arrested breathing; clammy skin, dilated pupils; weak pulse; coma; possible death

Drugs: Stimulants
Examples of commercial/street names: Cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamines and other stimulants
Acute effects/health risks: Addiction; increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, metabolism; feelings of exhilaration; increased energy; mental alertness; tremors; reduced appetite; irritability; anxiety; panic; paranoia; violent behavior; psychosis; insomnia; cardiac complications; stroke; seizures

Drugs: Club drugs
Examples of commercial/street names: MDMA (ecstasy), flunitrazepam (Rohypnol, Mexican valium, roach, roofinol, roofies), GHB (liquid ecstasy, liquid x)
Acute effects/health risks: Addiction; hallucinogenic effects; increased tactile sensitivity; empathic feelings; lowered inhibition; anxiety; chills, sweating; teeth clenching; muscle cramping; sleep disturbances; depression; impaired memory; hyperthermia; disorientation; loss of coordination; memory loss; seizures; coma

Drugs: Dissociative drugs
Examples of commercial/street names: Ketamine, PCP and analogs, salvia divinorum, dextromethorphan (DXM)
Acute effects/health risks: Addiction; feelings of being separate from one’s body and environment; impaired motor function; anxiety; tremors; numbness; memory loss; nausea; respiratory depression and arrest; slurred speech; confusion, dizziness; distorted visual perceptions

Drugs: Hallucinogens
Examples of commercial/street names: LSD, mescaline and peyote, amphetamine variants, phencyclidine, phencyclidine analogs, other hallucinogens
Acute effects/health risks: Addiction; altered states of perception and feeling; increased body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure; loss of appetite; sweating; sleeplessness; weakness, dizziness, tremors; impulsive behavior; rapid shifts in emotion; panic

Drugs: Cannabis (marijuana, hashish)
Examples of commercial/street names: Blunt, dope, ganja, grass, herb, joint, bud, Mary Jane, pot, reefer, green, trees, smoke, sinsemilla, skunk, weed, boom hash, hash oil, hemp
​​​​​​​Acute effects/health risks: Addiction; euphoria; relaxation; slowed reaction time; distorted sensory perception; impaired balance and coordination; increased heart rate and appetite; impaired learning, memory; anxiety; panic attacks; psychosis; cough; frequent respiratory infections; possible mental health decline

Drugs: Alcohol (ethyl alcohol)
Examples of commercial/street names: Liquor, beer, and wine
​​​​​​​Acute effects/health risks: Addiction. Low doses: euphoria; mild sedation; lowered inhibitions. High doses: drowsiness; slurred speech; nausea; emotional volatility; loss of coordination; visual distortions; impaired memory; increased risk of violence; depression; neurological deficits; hypertension; liver and heart disease; adverse pregnancy outcomes; addiction; fatal overdose

Drugs: Tobacco (nicotine)
Examples of commercial/street names: Cigarettes, cigars, bidis, smokeless tobacco (snuff, spit tobacco, chew), vaping devices, e-cigarettes
​​​​​​​Acute effects/health risks: Addiction; increased blood pressure and heart rate; chronic lung disease; cardiovascular disease; stroke; cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, cervix, kidney, bladder; acute myeloid leukemia; adverse pregnancy outcomes

Drugs: Other compounds: Inhalants
Examples of commercial/street names: Solvents (paint thinners, gasoline, glues), gases (butane, propane, aerosol propellants, nitrous oxide), nitrites, laughing gas, poppers, snappers, whippets
​​​​​​​Acute effects/health risks: Addiction. Varies by chemical: stimulation; loss of inhibition; headache, nausea or vomiting; slurred speech; loss of motor coordination; wheezing/coughing; muscle weakness; depression; memory impairment; damage to cardiovascular and nervous systems; unconsciousness; sudden death

*Effects of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs (2019). Adapted from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Commonly Abused Drugs. Retrieved from http://www.drugabuse.gov/sites/default/files/cadchart.pdf.


Alcohol, tobacco, and drug violations: Reports, investigations, testing, and outcomes

Reports of potential alcohol, tobacco, or drug violations

Any reports of reasonable suspicion (see below) or evidence regarding potential student violations of the alcohol, tobacco, or drug policies are directed to the office of Student Life. Reports are then reviewed and/or investigated by the dean of students or designee to determine the accuracy and/or severity of the violation. Investigation and Student Conduct Board proceedings and consequences/penalties will be administered as provided in Part IV of the Student Code of Conduct.

Reasonable suspicion of an alcohol, tobacco, or drug violation

Reasonable suspicion of a student’s alcohol, drug or tobacco violation is based on the totality of the circumstances. In determining if reasonable suspicion of a student’s alcohol, drug, or tobacco use is in violation of the applicable policies, the factors WWU will consider include but are not limited to: physical evidence, credible reports of purchase, possession or consumption, the suggested use by verbal statements, location, or social media, and/or effects or behaviors observed by others including faculty, staff, or other students. WWU reserves the right to determine whether reasonable suspicion exists. Some examples of observable effects and/or behaviors that may create reasonable suspicion include, but are not limited to, the effects listed in the table below.

Investigation process

Investigation and Student Conduct Board proceedings and consequences/penalties will be administered as provided in Part IV of the Student Code of Conduct.

Alcohol and drug testing

WWU students are expected to refrain from alcohol and drugs; therefore, they agree, by enrolling at WWU, to submit to drug and alcohol testing for any of the following reasons:

  • Reasonable suspicion or evidence of drug and/or alcohol use in violation of this policy.
  • Required testing for a clinical and/or educational environment.

If a student is required to submit to drug and alcohol screening, testing may include, but is not limited to, an 8-panel or 10-panel urine drug test. In order for WWU to receive results from the testing facility, the student must sign a release of information. Failure to submit to drug and alcohol screening may result in discipline, up to and including dismissal. If a student has a confirmed positive test, the student may be required to see a medical provider/certified substance abuse professional for further assistance. Students’ violations of the alcohol and drug policy are relevant to the report and investigation process. Students who are required to have a drug or alcohol test due to reasonable suspicion or evidence of drug and alcohol will not be charged for expenses unless the screening results are positive. A single negative drug test may still result in further investigation if reasonable suspicion persists.

All records concerning test results will remain confidential and WWU will only use results as necessary.

Possible observable effects of drugs and alcohol*

Manner of walking: Stumbling, staggering, unsteady, swaying, unable to walk, loss of coordination, loss of balance

Appearance of eyes: Bloodshot, droopy, watery, closed, dilated, glassy

Effect on speech: Shouting, rambling, incoherent, mute, slurred, slow, slobbering

Specific demeanor: Unruly, confused, very irritable, excessively sleepy, agitated/hyperactive, hostile/aggressive, excessive crying, highly argumentative

Actions: Hostile, erratic, fighting, poor class attendance, threatening, profanity, excessive drowsiness, aggressive behavior

Mental state: Disorientation, hallucinations, very poor concentration, memory loss, delusions

Manner of standing: Swaying, staggering, unable to stand

Appearance of face: Flushed, pale, sweaty

Specific movements: Fumbling, jerky, slow

Overall appearance: Unkept, odor of alcohol, odor of marijuana

*Any of these states that are caused by a disability are not considered as possible effects.


As a Seventh-day Adventist institution of higher education, WWU places a high value on respect, decorum, and morality. Lawful and civil behavior among students is expected. When students violate policies that harm themselves or others, Student Life and other WWU personnel will address each situation in a way that is fair and redemptive. WWU strives for an environment in which students can grow academically, emotionally, morally, physically, and spiritually.


Walla Walla University is committed to providing all individuals with an environment free of sex discrimination and sexual misconduct. Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, Title XX U.S.C. Section 1681 states that “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

Walla Walla University prohibits all forms of sex discrimination and sexual misconduct, including but not limited to sex-based intimidation and harassment, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual violence.

If you have been subject to or are aware of an instance of sex discrimination or sexual misconduct, you are highly encouraged to report it to the Title IX coordinator. The university has resources to offer and may be able to help.

For further information or to report an incident, contact David Lindstrom, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Title IX coordinator, at (509) 527-2259 or by email at titleix@nbzhiai.com.  A report form can also be filled out by clicking hereTo view our full policy against sexual misconduct click here


  1. The term “university” means Walla Walla University.
  2. The term “student” includes all persons taking courses at the university, either full-time or part-time, pursuing undergraduate studies. Persons who withdraw after allegedly violating the Student Code of Conduct, who are not officially enrolled for a particular term but who have a continuing relationship with the university, or who have been notified of their acceptance for admission, are considered “students,” as are persons who are living in university residence halls, although not enrolled in this institution. This Student Code of Conduct applies to all students regardless of location of conduct of issue.
  3. The term “faculty member” means any person hired by the university to conduct classroom or teaching activities or who is otherwise considered by the university to be a member of its faculty.
  4. The term “university official” includes any person employed by the university, performing assigned administrative and/or professional responsibilities.
  5. The term “member of the university community” includes any person who is a student, faculty member, university official, or any other person employed by the university. The university president or her or his designee shall determine a person’s status in a particular situation.
  6. The term “university premises” includes all land, building, facilities, and other property in the possession of or owned, used, or controlled by the university (including adjacent streets and sidewalks).
  7. The term “organization” means any number of persons who have complied with the formal requirements for university recognition.
  8. The term “Student Conduct Board” means any person or persons authorized by processes outlined in the Walla Walla University Governance Handbook and/or the vice president of Student Life, or his or her designee, to determine whether a student has violated the Student Code of Conduct and to recommend sanctions that may be imposed when a rules violation has been committed. Membership selection and responsibilities of the Student Conduct Board set forth in the Walla Walla University Governance Handbook at Sections 2.2.12 (undergraduate) are incorporated herein by this reference.
  9. The term “student conduct administrator” means a university official authorized on a case-by-case basis by the vice president for Student Life to impose sanctions upon any student(s) found to have violated the Student Code of Conduct. The vice president for Student Life may authorize a student conduct administrator to serve simultaneously as a student conduct administrator and the sole member or one of the members of the Student Conduct Board. The vice president for Student Life may authorize the same student conduct administrator to impose sanctions in all cases. Typically, but not always, the assistant vice president for Student Life/dean of students serves as the student conduct administrator.
  10. The term “Appellate Board” means any person or persons authorized by the vice president for Student Life to consider an appeal from a Student Conduct Boards determination as to whether a student has violated the Student Code of Conduct or from the sanctions imposed by the student conduct administrator. The Appellate Board may typically, but not always, be comprised of one faculty member, one university member, and one student. Any decision by the Appellate Board shall require a majority vote.
  11. The terms “will” is used in the imperative sense.
  12. The term “may” is used in the permissive sense.
  13. The term “assistant vice president for Student Life/dean of students” is that person typically designated by the university president to be responsible for the administration of the Student Code of Conduct.
  14. The term “policy” means the written regulations of the university as found in, but not limited to, the Student Code of Conduct, Residential Life Handbook, the university web page, computer use policy, and undergraduate bulletins.
  15. The term “complainant” means any member of the university community who submits a charge alleging that a student violated this Student Code of Conduct. When a student believes that she or he has been a victim of another student’s misconduct, the student who believes she or he has been a victim will have the same rights under this Student Code of Conduct as are provided to the complainant, even if another member of the university community submitted the charge itself.
  16. The term “accused student” means any student accused of violating this Student Code of Conduct.
  17. The term “notice” means correspondence sent to the addressee by the means identified in Section IV of the Student Code of Conduct regarding notice.


WWU upholds state and federal laws pertaining to alcohol and other drug use. Action will be taken on any violation of state or federal law or university regulations concerning alcohol or drugs.

WWU disciplinary proceedings may be instituted against a student whose conduct potentially violates both state or federal law and this Student Code of Conduct (that is, if both possible violations result from the same factual situation). Proceedings under this Student Code of Conduct may be carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following civil or criminal proceedings off campus at the discretion of the vice president for Student Life.

When federal, state, or local authorities charge a student with a violation of law, the university will not request or agree to special consideration for that individual because of his or her status as a student. If the alleged offense is also being processed under the Student Code of Conduct, WWU may advise off-campus authorities of the existence of the Student Code of Conduct and of how such matters are typically handled. WWU will cooperate with law enforcement and other agencies in the enforcement of state or federal law on campus and in the conditions imposed by applicable courts for the rehabilitation of student violators (if the conditions do not conflict with campus rules or sanctions). Individual students and other members of the WWU community, acting in their personal capacities, remain free to interact with governmental representatives, as they deem appropriate.

In the case of legal violations, students need to expect that the appropriate law enforcement officials may be notified. WWU complies with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses regulations, including:

  • The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 which prohibits “the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance in the workplace.” A controlled substance is a drug placed under federal law for control or dispensing based upon the substance’s medical use, potential for abuse, and potential for leading to physical or psychological dependency.
  • The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 “clearly prohibits, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use or distribution of unlawful drugs and alcohol by students and employees on the property or as part of any of its activities.” Legal penalties may be imposed by law enforcement for both felony and misdemeanor convictions. These penalties range from fines to prison terms to loss of financial aid. More severe penalties are provided for persons convicted of providing controlled substances to minors and for repeat offenses.

Washington state criminal penalties

Criminal offense: RCW 69.50.401 (2) (c) (d) (e) - (iv) Manufacture, delivery, or possession with intent to deliver any controlled substance classified in Schedule I, II, or III, not included in RCW 69.50.401 (2) (a)-(b), a substance classified in Schedule IV, except flunitrazepam, including its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers, or a substance classified in Schedule V as defined by RCW 69.50.208; 69.50.210; and 69.50.212.
Maximum penalty: Class C felony; Not more than 5 years or a fine of $10,000 or both such imprisonment and fine.

Criminal offense: RCW 69.50.401 (2) (a) Manufacture, delivery, or possession with intent to manufacture or deliver a Schedule I or II controlled substance which is a narcotic drug or flunitrazepam (including its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers classified in Schedule IV) as defined by RCW 69.50.204 and RCW 69.50.206.
Maximum penalty: Class B felony; Not more than 10 years and a fine of $25,000 (if less than 2 kg); or a fine of $100,000 for first 2 kg plus $50 for each gram in excess of 2 kg, or both such imprisonment and fine.

Criminal offense: RCW 69.50.401 (2) (b) ***Manufacture, delivery, or possession with intent to deliver amphetamine, including its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers, or methamphetamine, including its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers.
Maximum penalty: Not more than 10 years and a fine of $25,000 (if less than 2 kg); or a fine of $100,000 for first 2 kg plus $50 for each gram in excess of 2 kg, or both such imprisonment and fine.

Criminal offense: RCW 69.50.401 (2) (a) Manufacture, delivery, or possession with intent to deliver heroin or cocaine (as defined in RCW 69.50.204; 69.50.206).
Maximum penalty: Class B felony; Heroin or cocaine—not more than 10 years and a fine of $25,000 (if less than 2 kg); or a fine of $100,000 for first 2 kg plus $50 for each gram in excess of 2 kg, or both such imprisonment and fine.

Criminal offense: RCW 69.50.4014 Except as authorized in RCW 69.50, possession of marijuana, less than forty (40) grams.
Maximum penalty: Misdemeanor; Not more than 90 days; or a fine of $1,000; or both imprisonment and fine.

Criminal offense: RCW 69.50.4013(3) Possession of usable marijuana, its concentrates, or infused products, over the age of 21 exceeding: (i) One ounce of usable marijuana; (ii) Sixteen ounces of marijuana-infused product in solid form; (iii) Seventy-two ounces of marijuana infused product in liquid form; or (iv) Seven grams of marijuana in concentrates.
Maximum penalty: Class C felony; Not more than five years or a fine of $10,000, or both such imprisonment and fine.

Criminal offense: RCW 69.50.4013(1) Possession of a Schedule III, IV, or V controlled substance (such as barbituric acid derivatives and stimulants other than amphetamine and methamphetamine) as defined by RCW 69.50.208; 69.50.210; and RCW 69.50.212. 69.50.208; 69.50.210; and RCW 69.50.212. RCW 69.50.4013(5) Possession of Usable Marijuana, under 21 and over 40 grams.
​​​​​​​Maximum penalty: Class C felony; Not more than five years or a fine of $10,000, or both such imprisonment and fine.

Criminal offense: RCW 69.50.4013 (1) Possession of heroin, methamphetamine, phencyclidine (PCP), or a Schedule I or II controlled substance as defined by RCW 69.50.204 and 69.50.206
​​​​​​​Maximum penalty: Class C felony; Not more than five years or a fine of $10,000, or both such imprisonment and fine.

Criminal offense: RCW 69.50.401 (2) (c) Manufacture, delivery or possession with intent to deliver marijuana exceeding: (i) One-half ounce of usable marijuana; (ii) Eight ounces of marijuana-infused product in solid form; (iii) Thirty-six ounces of marijuana-infused product in liquid form; or (iv) Three and one-half grams of marijuana concentrates.
​​​​​​​Maximum penalty: Class C felony; Not more than five years or a fine of $10,000, or both such imprisonment and fine.

FERPA for Students

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) protects the privacy of student education records. Education records are “those records, files documents, and other materials which

  • contain information directly related to a student; and
  • are maintained by an educational institution. (20 U.S.C. § 1232g(a)(4)(A); 34 CFR § 99.3).

FERPA applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

Note: References to parents in the FERPA law typically refer to students who have not yet enrolled in a higher education institution or turned 18. FERPA rights belong to the students at WWU.

In general, FERPA allows the University to disclose education records or personally identifiable information from education records in the following circumstances:

  • With the written consent of the student,
  • If the disclosure meets one of the statutory exemptions,
  • If the disclosure is WWU directory information and the student has not placed a hold on release of directory information.

Walla Walla University designates the following categories of student information as public or “Directory Information.” Such information may be disclosed by the institution at its discretion.

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • Current enrollment status (e.g. undergraduate, gradute, full-time, part-time, or not enrolled)
  • Dates of attendance
  • Class standing
  • Previous institution(s) attended
  • Major field of study
  • Awards and honors (including Dean's List)
  • Degree(s) conferred (including dates)
  • Visual images (photographs or videos)
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Height, weight, and hometown of athletic team members

In addition, WWU has designated date of birth as limited directory information; it may be used only as detailed below:

  • Date of birth is only released to official agencies as required for matching student records (e.g. National Student Clearinghouse) or as positive identification of a student when furnished by a person making an inquiry.

Restrict Release of Information

If you do not want your directory information to be released in any form, you may restrict access through the Academic Permissions portal. 

  1. Go to the Academic Permissions page
  2. Select the appropriate option

No information will be released on students who have restricted release of directory information, including degrees awarded and dates of attendance.

Consequences of Restricting Directory Information

Students should understand that restricting the release of their directory information has other consequences. For instance, a FERPA restriction makes it difficult or impossible for potential employers to verify enrollment or degree(s) earned from the University. The University cannot notify the media about awards and honors students have received (e.g., Dean’s list), and professors cannot write letters of recommendation. For this reason alone, many students choose not to restrict their directory information. In addition, the student’s name cannot appear in any University publication including the Mountain Ash and the Commencement Program.

Removal of Restriction

At any time after restricting the release of directory information, a student may change their mind and choose to authorize the University to release directory information and for it to appear in University publications. Students can grant such authorization via

  • Academic Permissions portal
  • In person at the Academic Records Office (CTC 311) with valid photo identification.

Notification of Students’ Rights under FERPA

Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), students have the right to:

  1. inspect and review information contained in education records
  2. request the amendment of education records the student believes inaccurate
  3. provide written consent before the University discloses personally identifiable information from the educational records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent
  4. file a complaint with the Department of Education concerning alleged failures by institutions to comply with the Act. Written complaints should be directed to Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave SW, Washington DC 20202-5901

Additional information may be found at http://atc1.nbzhiai.com/academics/student-academic-services/academic-records/student-privacy/